– È importantissimo assicurarsi che la copertura sia
perfettamente asciutta prima di chiudere l’ombrello-
ne. Durante i mesi di non utilizzo l’ombrellone deve
essere riposto in un ambiente asciutto.
• Le parti in acciaio, la viteria e gli accessori sono
zincati antiruggine. Per garantire e assicurare una
maggiore durata del prodotto è consigliabile comun-
que porre l’ombrellone e la base al riparo durante i
mesi invernali o durante i periodi di non utilizzo.
• Durante ogni stagione verificare periodicamente lo stato
e la funzionalità dei componenti soprattutto dopo un
periodo lungo dove l’ombrellone non sia stato utilizzato.
• Periodicamente e comunque almeno una volta all’an-
no, è opportuno applicare olio lubrificante negli ingra-
naggi del meccanismo manovella. Tale operazione è
particolarmente consigliata dopo un periodo lungo
di non utilizzo o comunque all’inizio di ogni stagione
dopo il ricovero invernale.
Per ogni eventualità ribadiamo che la ditta Scolaro è a
vostra disposizione per ogni supporto tecnico.
• Durante il periodo di garanzia, in caso di danno de-
rivante da difetto di fabbricazione, la ditta Scolaro
fornisce assistenza, fornitura pezzi di ricambio gra-
tuitamente oppure, dove necessario, la sostituzione
dell’ombrellone completo.
• Trascorso il periodo di garanzia, la ditta Scolaro può
fornire un servizio di assistenza attraverso i nostri
rivenditori di zona o direttamente per molti anni suc-
cessivamente alla vendita, quale fornitura prezzi di
ricambio e possibilità di eseguire riparazioni.
A Open all carton boxes, position the base (1) on the
floor and fix the tube (2) with its screws (5). Put into
the spaces (1) the cement plates (3).
B Lift up and stop the horizontal arm (7) forming a 90°
corner with the side post (4) and fix it putting into
and screwing the screw (6).
C Put into the round tube (2) of the base the parasol
wooden post (4) at which the square iron tube that
has to go into the base, is already fixed. Fasten with
the screws (12).
D Unhook the holdfast (8) that is positioned at the end
of the metallic wire, and fasten with the ring (9).
E Hook now the parasol (11) at the upper end of the
arm (7) and put into the screw for the fastening (10).
F Screw and fasten strongly the black screws (12).
I Take the parasol string away, move the ribs to make
easier the opening.
II Put the crank (13) into the proper loophole of the
mechanism and turn slowly to open paying attention
that there are no obstacles for the closing.
III Fasten the windstop rib at the side post (4) with the
screw (14).
IV When the parasol will be perfectly opened, fix it with
the proper safety rope and put it into the rope stop
V To close the parasol unhook the safety rope and the
wind stop rib. Only after this steps, turn slowly the hand
crank paying attention that there are no obstacles for
the closing.
Attention!!! the crank has to be turned
slowly, as the iron wire has always to be strained.
This step has to be done with the utmost attention
in order to avoid to break the winding mechanism.
VI For this parasol a ballast of
130 kg
is required. The
cement plates or pots can be found easily or are
available in our range of optional items. See Art
BC5151 – BC5151G
BV5050G – BV5050B.
In case of particular environments or special atmos-
pheric condition it could be necessary to increase
OF THE BROCHURE 2013. The company Scolaro,
its staff and all retailers are at your disposal for
any further information and technical assistance.
VII The parasols you have bought is revolving 360°
whether closed or opened. Revolving is possible by
unscrewing the black screws (12) at the end of the
side post and by turning it.
VIII The parasol can be inclined. This is possible by unscrew-
ing the black screw (14) that fastens the wind stop ribs
at the side post (4) and then by fasten the same wind
stop ribs in another of the possible position.
• Before use, directions and assembling instructions,
which are inside the package, have to be kept and
read carefully.
• The base has to be ballasted. An insufficient weight
will seriously compromise the stability of the parasol.
• Always remove crank when not in use and keep out
of reach of children.
• To avoid damage or personal injury, parasol must
be closed and removed from the support when un-
attended and/or in windy conditions. Remember
always that the parasol is not a fixed construction.
The company Scolaro cannot be held responsible for
damage to goods supplied, persons or property result-
ing from misuse and failure to follow instructions and
guidelines on indications.
• Referring to wooden components employed for the
production of the parasol we remind that wood is a
natural essence and treated with an ecologic var-
nish. It is therefore obvious that due to an employ
outside the colour looses its brightness and fades.
The parasol can be restored by a new treatment with
proper products easy to find in specialized shops.
• The fabric is waterproof and anti mould treated to
reject water, spots and grant transpiration. Please
follow our maintenance instruction to grant the long
lasting of the fabric:
– Remove often dust deposits, spots and any type of
dirt in order to avoid trails after cleaning.
– It’s very important to close the parasol only when it is
perfectly dry. During the winter and when the parasol is
not employed, it has to be stored in dry environment.
• The steel components, screws and accessories are
anti rust treated. Anyway for a long lasting of the para-
sol, during the winter and when the it is not employed,