Connection Diagram
Fig: 2
Connecting Transmitters
1. Connect the HDMI cable between the transmitter and the source device
(maximum length 5m).
2. Connect and power the transmitter and wait for the LED panel to display (TX
ID) “ 00”.
3. Using the buttons to the left and right of the numerical display, change the TX
ID to a unique number. It's important to have unique numbers for every
transmitter installed.
4. Connect the Ethernet cable to the transmitter and the Gigabit switch.
Connecting Receivers
1. Connect the HDMI cable between the receiver and the source device
(maximum length 5m).
2. Connect and power the receiver and wait for the LED panel to display (RX ID)
“ 00” and (TX Connected) “00”.
3. Using the buttons to the left and right of the (RX ID) numerical display, change
the RX ID to a unique number. It's important to have unique numbers for every
receiver installed.
4. Connect the Ethernet cable to the receiver and the Gigabit switch.
Connecting the Controller
1. Connect the Ethernet cable to the controller and the Gigabit switch.
2. Connect the power supply.