Explorer ® 3270HD Set-top (for the United States)
Scientific-Atlanta® , Inc.’s (“S-A’s”) Explorer 3270HD set-top enables you to access cable television programming (including
programs in high definition formatting) from your cable operator. Should you experience problems, always consult with your
local cable company first to determine whether the problem is related to the cable network or your Explorer 3270HD set-top.
What does your warranty cover?
Any defect in materials or workmanship that arises during the duration of this warranty.
This limited warranty applies only to the S-A Explorer 3270HD set-top, remote control, and included cabling and accessories.
This limited warranty extends to the original consumer purchaser, or any person receiving this product as a gift from the
original consumer purchaser, and to no other purchaser or transferee.
This limited warranty applies only to products purchased from an S-A authorized retailer and operated within the U.S.A.
What is the duration of your warranty?
12 months from purchase date, for labor and parts.
All warranty claims must be made during the 12 month warranty period.
What will we do?
S-A will, at its option, either repair or replace, within a reasonable time, a defective set-top. S-A may choose to replace a
defective set-top at S-A’s option with either a new or reconditioned set-top. A repaired or replacement set-top will be at least
equivalent in performance to the original set-top. Any repaired or replacement set-top is warranted under the same terms as this
Limited Warranty for a period of 90 days after the date of replacement, or for the remainder of the initial warranty period,
whichever is longer.
How do you obtain warranty service?
First, call your cable operator to verify the problem exists with your set-top and not with your cable operator’s network or your
in-home wiring. Most service related problems are due to network related issues and not the set-top.
Once your cable operator has verified that a problem exists with the set-top, call Scientific-Atlanta at the phone number listed
below to get a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number.
You will be asked to provide the following information:
Your name, address, and phone number.
Your set-top model and serial number. Your warranty is void if the model and/or serial number tag is missing, altered,
defaced, or otherwise rendered illegible.
Your set-top purchase date. You will be required to include a copy of a valid proof of purchase from an S-A authorized
retailer with your returned set-top.
A brief description of the problem.
If you want an immediate replacement set-top, then provide a Discover, MasterCard or Visa credit card number and
expiration date. Your credit card will not be charged unless certain conditions are met as described below.
If you provided a credit card number, S-A will ship a replacement set-top to you, less cabling, power cord, remote, and
accessories as an “advance exchange.” Return shipping instructions will be included in your replacement set-top carton along
with your RMA number. If you choose to ship the set-top back to S-A in other packaging, you will be required to pay both
shipping costs as well as insurance charges. S-A will not be liable for set-tops lost, stolen, or damaged in shipment to S-A when
packaged in alternative packaging.
If you did not provide a credit card number, S-A will repair or replace your set-top within a reasonable time period after you
return it to S-A. You will be responsible for providing all return documentation described below as well as paying for both
shipping and insurance charges. Do not include your cabling, power cord, remote, or accessories with your returned set-top. S-
A will not be liable for set-tops lost, stolen, or damaged in shipment to S-A.
You will need to include the following documentation with your returned set-top shipment to S-A:
Your name, address and phone number.
Proof of purchase from an S-A authorized retailer, such as a copy of a receipt.
A brief description of the problem.
For advance exchanges:
If you return your defective set-top to S-A along with all of the required documentation within 14 days from the date you
receive your replacement set-top, only items not covered under your warranty will be charged to your credit card.
If your set-top is not received by S-A within 14 days, the full retail value of the set-top will be charged to your credit card.
If the unit is subsequently received within 30 days, charged amounts will be credited, less a $10 handling fee.
If S-A receives the set-top without valid proof of purchase from an S-A authorized retailer, S-A will charge the credit card
for required set-top repairs. Charged amounts will be credited, less a $10 handling fee, if the required
documentation is subsequently received within 30 days.