05.00|0889002_ROTA-S plus 2.0 |en
For precise clamping, do not remove the ground top jaws from
the base jaws. This will result in loss of true-running accuracy.
Use a different set of jaws when changing the jaws.
When re-equipping from cylindrical mounting to short-taper
flange, the lid (item 2) must be removed if the centering lid is
Control of the chuck
The Manual Chuck ROTA-S plus can be only inspected in flanged
position. The round and planar surfaces in the rear area of the
chuck body area must run true.
The jaws must be just as easy-to-move after attachment as
If the jaws are more difficult to move than before attachment,
the chuck body has been incorrectly attached. The chuck may
have become twisted.
Control of true-running
(For delivery of a ROTA-S plus 2.0 with hard jaws STF/SHF
grounded on the chuck)
For control of true-running and face play hardened and ground
inspection arbors or inspection disks are clamped (see illustration
"Control of true-running"). The torque (Md) at the key during
tensioning of the inspection arbors and inspection disks
corresponds to ca. 67% to the max. chuck operating torque. You
can read off the values, diameters of the inspection arbors as well
as the positon of the measuring table according to the jaws, on the
below chart.
If the admissible T.I.R or face play error (compare chart below) are
exceeded, check the following points:
the tightening torque of the key (Md)
the correct mounting of the chuck
does the inspection arbor- and inspection disk diameter deviate
from the factory settings.
Chart of the max. admissible T.I.R. and face play error at the
ROTA-S plus 2.0 Chuck with STF- or SHF-jaws