2. Product description.
2.1 General information
All base frames are made of aluminium, which is non-corroding and pow-
der-coated. All other materials used are protected against corrosion th-
rough the use of stainless steel, aluminium or plastic. All important parts,
such as the saddle, handlebars or also the pedals, can be individually ad-
apted to the individual requirements. Thanks to special accessories, users
can be positioned e.g. at the torso or in the calf area / foot area. The tricy-
cles generally have a brake hub / backpedal hub brake on the rear wheel
(except for those with a rigid sprocket) and an air pressure-independent
parking brake on the front wheel.
2.2 Handling and transport
momo tricycle.
is not intended for carrying since it is equipped with
wheels. Should you have to carry the equipment due to obstacles, ensu-
re that all moving parts are tightened. Then two people should position
themselves next to the tricycle, grip it on the left and right of the frame
and carry it to the required location. To transport the tricycle, reduce all
adjustments to their most compact size (saddle height, handlebar height,
remove accessories etc.).
2.3 Application areas, use according to the intended purpose
momo tricycle.
is a medical product of risk class 1 and was designed
for children, youths and adults for outdoors. This tricycle permits users with
disabilities (see indications) to move independently. The physiotherapeutic
treatment is supported and the support and balance reactions as well as
movement coordination are trained. Any other use or use over and abo-
ve this purpose shall be considered not in accordance with the intended
2.3.1 Indications
momo tricycle.
is suited for users with neuromuscular disorders (e.g.
cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy), who cannot use standard bicycles or
vehicles, not even with commercial support wheels, due to their disabilities.
To ensure mobility in outdoor areas and participation in social life (integra-
tion in a group of persons of the same age) and/or to improve the support
and balance reaction/movement coordination within the scope of physio-
therapeutic treatment (regular measures of physical therapy)