At any time, you can exit the Programming mode using one
of these 3 methods:
1- Press down the button of the day you are adjusting.
2- Press down the button of another day to program it.
3- Press down the Exit button.
Moreover, if you do not press down any button for more than
1 minute, the thermostat will exit the Programming mode. In all
cases, the programming is saved.
Anticipated Start
This mode enables the room to reach the selected temperature
at the programmed hour by starting or stopping the heating
before this time. In fact, the thermostat estimates the delay
required to reach the set point of the next period at the
programmed hour. This delay is obtained by the observation of
the temperature variations in the room and the results obtained
during the preceding anticipated starts. Therefore, results
should be increasingly precise day after day. From this mode,
the thermostat displays at any time the set point ( ) of the
current period. The
icon will blink when the anticipated start
of the next period begins.
For example, if the requested temperature between 8h00am and
10h00pm is 22°C (72°F) and between 10h00 pm and 8h00am
is 18°C (64°F), the set point ( ) will indicate 18°C (64°F) until
7h59am and will switch to 22°C (72°F) at 8h00am. Thus, you will
not see the progression carried out by the anticipated start, only
the desired result.
To activate or deactivate the anticipated start, the thermostat
must be in Auto or Pre Prog mode. Then, you must press down
the Mode button for at least 5 seconds. The anticipated start
icon ( ) is displayed or hidden to indicate the activation or the
deactivation of the mode. This modification will apply to the Auto
as well as the Pre Prog mode. If you modify the temperature set
point manually when these modes are activated, the anticipated
start of the next period will be cancelled.
The anticipated start is initially activated when you enter
the Automatic or Preprogrammed mode. Thus, you must