Technical Support
Schonstedt offers technical support and sales. For any reason regarding usage and application please
contact our technical support team at 888-32-TRACE (888-328-7223).
Limited Warranty
The Schonstedt Instrument Company (Schonstedt) warrants each product of its manufacture to be free from
defects in material and workmanship subject to the following terms and conditions. The warranty is
effective for 3 years (with the return of the Customer Registration Card) after the shipment by Schonstedt
to the original purchaser.
Schonstedt's obligation under the warranty is limited to servicing or adjusting any product returned to the
factory for this purpose and to replacing any defective part thereof. Such product must be returned by the
original purchaser, transportation charges prepaid, with proof in writing, to our satisfaction, of the defect.
If the fault has been caused by misuse or abnormal conditions of operation, repairs will be billed at cost.
Prior to repair, in this instance, a cost estimate will be submitted. Service or shipping information will be
furnished upon notification of the difficulty encountered. Model and serial numbers must be supplied by
user. Batteries are specifically excluded under the warranty.
Schonstedt shall not be liable for any injury to persons or property or for any other special or consequential
damages sustained or expenses incurred by reason of the use of any Schonstedt product.
Please ship TraceMaster to:
Schonstedt Instrument Company
100 Edmond Road
Kearneysville, WV 25430
Attn: Customer Service Dept.