Mode Selection and Gain Setting
Set the Mode switch to MAG and adjust the Gain control for the normal range as shown in Figure 2-2.
In most areas the locator can be oriented in any direction without producing a significant change in the frequency of the
tone from its idling rate. However, in some areas where magnetic disturbances are encountered from nearby structures,
rocks, sand or ferrous trash, the control should be adjusted for a lower gain as illustrated in Figure 2-3.
Figure 2-2. Normal Range Gain Setting
Low Gain Operation
Unwanted background signals due to nearby magnetic objects may require that the effective range of the locator be
reduced. This is accomplished by turning the Gain control towards LO. Reduced range is also useful for pinpointing the
location of a strongly magnetized marker (see Figure 3-2).
Figure 2-3. Low Range Gain Setting
Schonstedt Instrument Company