Instructions for Use
Flow Sensor SS 20.500
Page 30
Ambient condition medium
Flow Sensor SS 20.500
is especially suitable for impure
gases that contain dust, non-abrasive particles or gaseous fractions such
as vapors, oils or chemically aggressive components.
Deposits or other soiling must be detected during regular inspections and
removed by cleaning because it can cause distortion of measurement re-
sults (see
chapter 8 Service information
Soiling or other deposits on the probe head cause false meas-
urement results.
Therefore, the sensor must be checked for contaminations at
regular intervals and cleaned if necessary.
The coated probe (coating versions: black PU-derivate or transparent
Parylene) has particularly high chemical media resistance against organic
solvents, acids and caustics in liquid or gaseous state, for example:
Acetone, ethyl acetate, methyl ethyl ketone, perchlorethylene, xylene, al-
cohols, ammonia, petrol, motor oil (50 °C), cutting oil (50 °C), sodium hy-
droxide, acetic acid, hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid and more.
The suitability of the mentioned above or other similar chemicals must be
checked in every individual case due to different ambient conditions.
Condensing liquid fractions in gases or even immersion into liquids do not
damage the probe (as long as there is no damage due to corrosion or
similar). However, the significantly higher heating capacity of liquids distort
measuring results seriously (e.g. when immersing into water the flow indi-
cation goes to maximum) but after drying of the sensor tip normal meas-
uring function is available again.
(Condensating) liquid on the measuring probe causes serious
measurement distortions.
After drying the correct measuring function is restored.
Both uncoated and coated sensor can be sterilized during operation.
Alcohols (drying without leaving residues) and hydrogen peroxide
approved and certified as disinfectants.
Other disinfectants must be checked by the customer if necessary.
Use of hydrogen peroxide only with uncoated version