Arcus M
Stationary spinning is possible with middle to rear centre of gravity positions and is
only allowed with flap position
Spinning is induced with the standard method:
Stall the powered sailplane slowly until the first signs of separated airflow can be
recognized, i.e. vibration in the controls. Then jerkily pull back the control stick and
apply full rudder deflection into the desired direction of rotation. Depending on the
position of the centre of gravity, the pitch attitude will differ widely.
Spinning is terminated with the standard method:
Apply full rudder deflection in the opposite direction as that of the rotation and
neutralize elevator deflection. After the rotation has stopped return all control
surfaces to neutral and pull out into normal flight.
The loss of height during the recovery to normal flight is about 100m (300ft.), the
maximum speed is about 180 km/h.
With forward centre of gravity positions no stationary spinning is possible.
The sailplane will switch over into a spiral dive very rapidly. This has to be stopped
immediately. With middle centre of gravity positions stationary spinning is possible
if induced with the standard method. But if the spinning is induced with rudder
deflection into the direction of rotation and aileron deflection against the direction
of rotation, then the sailplane will switch over into the spiral dive after a half to one
turn. The spiral dive has to be ended immediately.
You can detect the spiral dive because of the increase of the indicated airspeed
and the increasing load factor on the pilots.
It is not recommended to attempt a spin with a forward centre of gravity because
the spin will change to a spiral dive almost immediately upon being initiated.
October 2011
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