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version 1.1_n
Health threat by mould:
The formation of mould always goes along with an increased moisture
concentration in your room. Already a relative humidity of 70% encourages
the growth of mould in living spaces. Increased air humidity can be caused
by conventional activities in the household like cooking, taking a shower or
drying of laundry. Also plants and humans release water, which is emitted
into the surrounded air. Furthermore, in new buildings residual moisture from
building material can be released. In order to prevent an infestation or the
increased growth of mould spores in living spaces, simple measures like
reasonable ventilation and appropriate heating can be taken. If your living
area is already infested with mould, this should be treated rapidly and
effectively, and a new formation should be prevented. The appearance of
mould can also cause allergic reactions of the body as well as inflammatory
reactions and infectious diseases.
User manual
Function Preventing and avoiding mould:
Mount a wall hook on a position with increased potential of mould (e.g. outer
wall) and position the humimeter SW1 device on the hook. Switch on the
instrument by pressing the button for 3 seconds. Select the calibration
curve “Risk of mould” using the arrow keys or . The device switches on
regularly and checks the level of risk. In case of a high or very high risk of
mould an optical alarm is activated. The humimeter SW1 can be activated at
any time by pressing the button for 3 seconds. The instrument clearly
shows the level of risk (no/little/increased/high/very high risk of mould)
Function ventilation monitor:
Switch on the instrument and select the calibration curve “Absolute humidity”
using the arrow keys or . Measure the absolute air humidity in a central
position of your room, and subsequently the absolute air humidity outdoors.
For that, go outside and leave the humimeter SW1 there for approx. 10
minutes. If the absolute air humidity outdoors is lower than the air humidity
inside the room, riskless ventilation is possible. On the other hand, if the
outdoor measuring value is higher than the indoor one, ventilation will
increase the risk of mould.