Broadcast Random Timer
The system has three main random timer functions that indicate how long the interval
will be between each call sequence broadcast. The System is automatically pre-set to
“Normal” mode – amend to “Severe” or “Re-Enforce” as required by pressing the
appropriate button briefly and LED comes on, and “Normal” LED goes out – function
mode amended.
N = Normal = 20 to 45 minutes – This is the default setting and recommended everyday
R = Re-Enforce = 10 to 30 minutes – This setting should not be used for more than 48hrs
otherwise the birds may habituate to the sound and make the system less effective
S = Severe = 5 to 15 minutes - This setting should not be used for more than 48hrs
otherwise the birds may habituate to the sound and make the system less effective
Bird Calls
Press 1-10 for the required Bird Calls.
Press individual numbers one at a time and once the individual LED stays on, the call is
In the event the wrong call is programmed, simply press the number again until the LED
goes off.
The volume is set to 50m, as a factory setting default.
Press either volume button, up or down, to alter the volume/distance coverage as
required – very roughly, each number equates to about 10 metres.
On pressing either volume button, the bird sequence will start broadcasting
continuously in a “Test Mode” at the current set maximum level (i.e. the variable
volume feature will not operate at this stage). This will last for 10mins to enable you to
check the volume level is adequate for the required target area and then, after 10
minutes, automatically time out. If the process is completed sooner, press N, R or S as
appropriate, and the final volume setting made will be the maximum level to which the
system will broadcast.
While the volume key is pressed and for a few seconds after, the number LED’s will
show the volume setting from 1 to 10.
To override the 10 minute test mode and activate the random timer for broadcast, once
the volume is set at the correct level, re-press the required Broadcast Random Timer
Button e.g. N, R or S.
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