#Bio25 11 – 140813
Page 37 of 40
18. Claim Report
It is important to get accurate information in this report to help us keep your
process running trouble free. Be sure to work through the trouble shooting guide
fi rst, before fi lling this in.
Ref. Claim number
Nature of problem ____________________________________________________
Probable cause of problem ____________________________________________
Machine information
Machine type ______________________ Serial Number _____________________
Nozzle size ________________________
Working conditions
Inlet pressure ______________________ Working temp ____________________
Working hours before failure ________ Could hydraulic shock be the cause? ___
Inlet line fl ushed before installation? ______________________
Cleaning media and concentration
Temperature Time
Is sterilization being used? _______________________________
Procedure Media/Temp _________________________________
Is steam injection being used? ____________________________
Procedure Time/temp ___________________________________