OPM 260 en-GB
Scania CV AB 2021, Sweden
Lubrication system
Oil analysis
To be able to extend the oil change intervals us
ing an oil analysis, Scania LDF-3 and LDF-2 oils
must be used. Certain laboratories offer engine
oil analysis.
The following requirements must remain satis
fied when the oil is changed:
Viscosity at 100°C (212°F): max. ±20% of
original value of the fresh oil.
TBN (in accordance with ASTM D4739): >
TBN (in accordance with ASTM D4739): >
TAN (in accordance with ASTM D664).
Soot (DIN 51452): < 3%.
Fuel in the oil >5%.
Such analysis measures the oil’s total base num
ber, TBN (Total Base Number), total acidic
number, TAN (Total Acid Number), fuel dilu
tion, water content, viscosity and the quantity of
particles and soot in the oil.
The result of a series of analyses is used as the
basis for establishing a suitable oil change inter
If the conditions are changed, a new oil analysis
programme must be carried out to establish new
oil change intervals. Work out the new oil
change interval for the engine in conjunction
with the workshop.
Only Scania LDF oils may be used in conjunc
tion with oil analysis and a possible extended oil
change interval.
Depending on the market, the warranty condi
tions may also change if the oil change intervals
differ from the recommended Scania timetable.