The freezer section is a four-star freezer,
approved for freezing and storing foodstuffs.
To keep food at its best it should be frozen
down to -18 ˚C in the shortest time possible.
To obtain the most effi cient freezing, press
the Super Freeze switch in advance. If you
want to freeze more than 3 kg, the Super
Freeze button should be pressed about
10 hours in advance. With small amounts
it is enough to do it a couple of hours in
advance or while you are utting the goods
in the freezer.
You don’t need to use the freezing button
when you put pre-frozen goods in the
freezer, or with single small packs.
The diode fl ashes yellow when Super
Freeze is in operation. After 24 hours, when
freezing is complete, the yellow diode will
stop fl ashing and the freezer will switch
back to normal operating mode.
Only freeze good quality produce - freezing
preserves the quality but cannot improve it.
Clean and prepare all items of food and
pack them in freezer bags, foil, waxed
containers, or similar. Keep the size of the
packages small and remember that square
packs utilse freezer space more effi ciently.
Place each package in as much contact
with the shelves of the freezer as possible
and avoid placing unfrozen food in contact
with food that is already frozen.
Do not put carbonated liquids (fi zzy
drinks) in the freezer as they may
explode when frozen.
If water ices are consumed immediately
after removal from the freezer, freezer
burn could result due to the low
temperature. Always allow to warm
slightly before consumption.
Thawing Frozen Food
When thawing food that was frozen when
fresh, the food will retain its quality better
if thawed slowly. Slow thawing allows
the food to re-absorb all the fl avour and
nutritional value which ma be lost with fast
thawing. By far the best method to thaw
fresh food is to allow the temperature to rise
slowly by placing the food on a plate in the
fridge section or at room temperature until
completely thawed.
Commercially frozen pre-packed food
should be thawed in accordance with the
manufacturers instructions. Some small
items of food may be cooked from frozen,
but will require a longer cooking time. For
thawing food in a microvave oven, refer to
the manufacturers instructions.
Freezer section