© 2007. Scaletron Industries Ltd. Plumsteadville, PA Scaletron. Scaletron Sets The Standard In Corrosion Resistance. Model 1099, Model 2305, Model 2306, Model 2307, Model
2310, Model 2330, Model 2350, Model 2352, Model 2353, Model 3001, Model 3002, Model 3001 SI, Model 3002 DI, Model 3003, Model 3004, Model 3005, Model 3006, Model 3050-1,
Model 3050-2, Model 4010, Model 4020, Model 4021, Model 4030, Model 4040, Model 4042, Model 4042WB,Model 4041, Model 4042, Model 4042 WB, Model 5305, Model 5305-2, and
ProGram Guide are trademarks of Scaletron Industries Ltd. Total Electronic System is a service mark of Scaletron Industries Ltd. All Rights Reserved. .PRINTED IN U.S.A. JULY 2007.
3. While indicator is warming up, proceed to check under cylinder support disc to make sure
there is no debris.
4. WITH NO WEIGHT APPLIED TO THE SCALE, turn the black tare knob on the outside of
the door of the indicator in the clockwise direction to make sure that there is
at least
+10 lb. of
weight in the tare knob. If not, adjust R-6 to see a positive reading. Once that is established,
turn the black tare knob on the door of the indicator counter-clockwise until it stops (DO NOT
negative reading, make sure you have at least the amount of tare weight that you require for
the tanks/drums that you will use on this platform. If the tare span is very large, you may get to
a –1 reading and this is a weight under-load condition. Turn R-6 until you see a number a
number that is not “below” –199.9 lb or 1999 lb.
5. Adjust tare knob on front of weigh meter until scale reads zero with no weight on platform.
Adjust R-22 to set the 4mA reading to 0lbs.
6. Place a known weight on the disc, as close to center as possible. Weight should be equal
to ½ of capacity, or greater.
7. Adjust R-15 until display reads weight of test weight on scale disc.
8. To complete calibration of 4-20mA output, adjust R-19 for proper 20 mA adjustment
reading. The customer specifies the factory setting for 20 mA at the time the order is placed. It
should have been assigned to the net weight of your intended product. Consult white “4-20mA
settings” sticker on inside of indicator!
9. Calibration is complete if specified accuracy is obtained.
If display reads: “-1”:
Gross under-load. Turn knob clockwise. Numbers should reappear and can be
adjusted to tare weight or zero as required.
Check load cell connections at indicator, and connect wires as per diagram on Page
2. If display reads: “1”:
Gross over-load. If starting point was zero, the cylinder weight is more than 199.9
lb., or kg. with the decimal, or 1999 lb./kg. without the decimal.
Check load cell connections according to page 2.
3. If no display (not lit):
Check power to weigh meter.
Check green light on power supply board. It should be lit. If not lit, it is shorted out.
4. Other Problems:
Consult the Factory!
USA & Canada Toll-Free: (800) 257-5911
Tel: (+1) 215-766-2670
Fax: (+1) 215-766-2672
Do not return any equipment without first contacting the factory. A return
authorization number will be issued and it must be marked on all materials returned to the
factory, accompanying a letter that explains the problem specifically. A Serial Number will
also be required. It is located inside the indicator box.