SC iCare Solo – Using the Device
Press the fire button five times quickly, one after the other, to switch on the device� A light that
blinks three times indicates that the device is ready for use� Shutoff functions the same way by
pressing the fire button five times� We recommend that you shut off your e-cigarette during
transport and when not in use for long periods of time�
While keeping the device‘s fire button pressed, simply inhale the vapour through your e-cigaret-
te‘s mouth piece� The display will remain lit during steaming� Let go of the fire button as soon as
you have finished inhaling� Please do not continue to press the fire button without also inhaling�
If the battery capacity is between 100% and 16%, then the indicator will light up green� If the
battery level is between 15% and 6%, then the indicator will light up yellow� If the battery level is
5% or lower, then a red signal will appear�
Power On/Off