If heater is not heating up or sauna room is heating up slowly:
Is timer set to the operating range?
Is the timer On? Is timer knob stuck? (Suitable gab is 1 - 2mm between knob and
heater body) If necessary, pull out the knob couple of millimeters.
Is the thermostat set to higher than temperature inside the sauna room?
Is the temperature fuse defective? Find out the reason before turning on your
heater again.
Are all heating elements glowing red when the heater is ON?
Is the heater’s heating power enough for the sauna room? (See page 26)
Are the sauna stones laid properly? Is there enough space for air circulation and
stones are in good condition? If stones are laid loosely, sauna will warm up faster.
Is the air circulation enough in the sauna room? (See page 19)
NS- ANd NI-modELS:
Is the control unit ON?
Is the set temperature higher than the temperature inside the sauna room?
Is the main switch ON? In Ni-models, main switch is located at the bottom of the
heater, and in NS-models it is on the power control.
Are the switchboard fuses ON and unbroken? If broken, find out the reason before
turning ON your heater.
Are all heating elements glowing red when the heater is ON?
Is the heater’s heating power enough for the sauna room? (See page 26)
Are the sauna stones laid properly? Is there enough space for air circulation and
stones are in good condition? ? If stones are laid loosely, sauna will warm up faster.
Is the air circulation enough in the sauna room? (See page 19)
Is the heater installed following the safety distances? (See page 9)
Have you laid the sauna stones correctly and there is enough space between the
stones for air circulation? If air circulation is blocked constructions around the
heater might over heat.
Are the heating elements visible behind the stones? Re-lay if necessary.
If you cannot find the reason, contact your retailer