Throwing Water on Heated Stones
The air in the sauna room becomes dry when warmed up. Therefore, it is necessary to throw
water on the heated stones to reach a suitable level of humidity in the sauna.
The humidity of the air in the sauna room is controlled by the amount of water thrown on the
stones. A correct level of humidity makes the bather’s skin sweat and makes breathing easy. By
throwing water on the stones with a small ladle, the bather should feel the effect of air humidity
on his skin.
Staying in the hot sauna for long periods of time makes the body temperature rise, which may
be dangerous.
If an excessive amount of water is poured on the stones, only part of it will evaporate and the
rest may splash as boiling hot water on the bathers.
Never throw water on the stones when there are people near the combi heater, because
hot steam may burn their skin.
Sauna Water
The water to be thrown on the heated stones should meet the requirements of clean
household water.
Calcareous water leaves a white, sticky layer on the stones and metal surfaces of the combi
heater. Calcification of the stones deteriorates the heating properties.
Ferrous water leaves a rusty layer on the surface of the combi heater and elements, and
causes corrosion. The use of humous, chlorinated water and seawater is forbidden.
Only special scents designed for sauna water may be used. Follow the
instructions given on the package.
Heating of the Sauna, normal sauna
Before you switch the combi heater on check always that there aren’t any things over the combi
heater or in the near distance of the heater. See item 1.8. (Warnings).
When the combi heater is switched on for the first time, both the combi heater and the stones emit
smell. To remove the smell, the sauna room needs to be efficiently ventilated.
The purpose of the combi heater is to raise the temperature of the sauna room and the sauna stones
to the required bathing temperature. If the combi heater output is suitable for the sauna room, it
will take about one hour for a properly insulated sauna to reach that temperature. See item 2.1.,
(Insulation and Wall Materials of the Sauna Room). A suitable temperature for the sauna room is
about +65 to +80ºC (9-176ºF) (without steam generator operation).
The sauna stones normally reach the required bathing temperature at the same time as the sauna
room. If the combi heater capacity is too big, the air in the sauna will heat very quickly, whereas the
temperature of the stones may remain insufficient; consequently, the water thrown on the stones
will run through. On the other hand, if the combi heater capacity is too low for
the sauna room, the room will heat slowly and, by throwing water on the stones, the bather may try
to raise the temperature of the sauna. However, the water will only cool down the stones quickly,
and after a while the sauna will not be warm enough and the combi heater will not be able to
provide enough heat.
In order to make bathing enjoyable, the combi heater capacity should be carefully chosen to suit the
size of the sauna room. See item 2.3. (Combi Heater Output).
8. Spare parts
Back Frame
Front Frame
SCAC Rock Container
Scent Basins
Tank Cover
Wall Mounting Sheet
Heating Element
Middle Reflection Sheet
Level Indicator
Heating Element Holder with O-Ring
Level Indicator Hose
Level Indicator Adaptor
Temperature Limiter Switch
Temperature Regulator
Ball Valve
Reset Button with Housing
*Refer to Fig. 10