Storage Dimensions
The Saviour Technical Stretcher rolls easily to 700mm H x 300mm W x 250 mm D to fit inside its storage bag.
It can be rolled extremely Nghtly down to 127mm depth if required, and as such would take up a space
700mm H x 127mm W x 127mm D.
Airworthiness CerNficaNon
The Saviour Technical Stretcher does not have an airworthiness cerNficaNon.
Technical DocumentaNon
The Saviour Technical Stretcher user manual and cerNficaNons are a[ached at Appendix 1
Maintenance DocumentaNon
The Saviour Technical Stretcher is made from materials which will not corrode even in harsh environments.
The Saviour Technical Stretcher is essenNally maintenance free bar rouNne visual inspecNon - the details of
which are within the user manual a[ached as Appendix 1 of this document.
The Saviour Adjustable LiYing Bridle is CE approved to BS EN 354:2018 Personal protecNve equipment for
work posiNoning and prevenNon of falls from height.
The standard specifies a minimum staNc load of 15kN.
The adjustable liYing bridle and stretcher conform to all the requirements of LiYing OperaNons and LiYing
Equipment RegulaNons 1998 relevant to the liYing of personnel.