Integration Guide, Version 1.6
The controlling terminal device can change the configuration settings of the module. This is
accomplished with the help of SL-commands. SL-commands can be used to change e.g. the
frequency or addresses. It is also possible to ask the radio receiver module to show current
settings which are in use.
An SL-command is a continuous string of characters, which is separated from other data by
pauses which are equal or greater than time defined by Pause length parameter (default=3
characters) in the set-up. No extra characters are allowed at the end of an SL-command.
Serial interface settings are the same as in data transfer. SL-command is properly recognised
also in the case when the command string is terminated in <CR> (=ASCII character no. 13,
Carriage Return, 0x0d) or <CR><LF> (<LF> = ASCII char. no. 10, Line Feed, 0x0a). If
multiple SL commands are sent to the module, the next command can be given after receiving
the response ("Ok" or "Error") of the proceeding command. In addition, it is recommended to
implement a timeout to the terminal software for recovering the case when no response is
received from the radio module.
The receiver module will acknowledge all commands by returning an "OK" (command carried
out or accepted) or the requested value, or an "ERROR" (command not carried out or interpreted
as erroneous) message.
The SL-commands are listed in appendix, page 27.
Operating modes
The radio receiver module has the following modes of operation:
Ready to
receive from RF
Search for sync
Module is searching for the start of a radio
transmission from the RF signal.
Receive data
The module has found a valid radio transmission
and is receiving data.
Safe mode
Mode is entered when a fault has been detected
and the device has been Rebooted. In safe mode
fault codes can be read from the module.
Will turn the module into a state where it will hold
parts of the radio on, wakeup will take <5ms
Will turn off the entire radio section and put CPU
into sleep mode. Consumption is lower, but
wakeup time is approx. <40ms.