Version 3.6
The configuration of SATELLINE-3AS SLR radio module can be easily changed simply by
connecting the module to the PC and using SATEL CM or DTE. Programming is done using the
serial port of the module. The serial port settings are 9600 bps, N, 8, 1 (data transfer speed
9600 bps, no parity, character length 8 bits and one (1) stop bit).
SATEL Configuration Manager (CM) software
The SATEL Configuration Manager is a configuration and setup software that is explained in a
separate User Manual.
Changing parameters using the SL-COMMANDS
The controlling terminal device can change the configuration settings of a radio modem. This is
accomplished with the help of SL-commands, which can be used during data transfer. SL-
commands can be used to change e.g. the frequency or addresses. It is also possible to
interrogate a radio modem in order to gain information concerning current settings that are in
use. The terminal device is either a PC or a programmable logic (PLC) together with suitable
(terminal) program.
An SL-command is a one continuous string of characters, which is separated from other data by
pauses that are equal or greater than time defined by Pause length parameter (see chapter
Pause Length
) in the set-up. No extra characters are allowed at the end of an SL-command.
Serial interface settings are the same as in data transfer. SL-command is properly recognised
also in the case when the command string is terminated in <CR> (=ASCII character no. 13,
Carriage Return, 0x0d) or <CR><LF> (<LF> = ASCII char. no. 10, Line Feed, 0x0a). If
multiple SL commands are sent to the radio modem the next command can be given after
receiving the response ("Ok" or "Error") of the proceeding command. In addition, it is
recommended to implement a timeout to the terminal software for recovering the case when no
response is received from the radio modem.
When the power of a radio modem is switched off the configuration settings of a radio modem
returns to values defined initially or as saved using SL-commands.
The radio modem will acknowledge all SET commands by returning an "OK" (command carried
out or accepted) or the requested value, or an "ERROR" (command not carried out or interpreted
as erroneous) message. “Question” is responded to with a value (Note! A question is not
answered as “OK”). The SL-commands are set ON using a relevant SL-command.