[gray] – tamper memory.
– information about radio communication between the device and the controller:
[green] – communication OK,
[yellow] – no communication for the time defined by the “Communication period” /
“ECO” and “Filter” parameters,
[gray] – trouble memory.
– information about the state of device power supply:
[green] – power supply OK,
[yellow] – power trouble (e.g. low battery),
[gray] – power trouble memory.
– level of the radio signal received from the device by the controller. Presented as
percentage or in power units (dBm). Click twice on the column to change the way of
RSSI dev.
– level of the radio signal received by the device from the controller. Presented as
percentage or in power units (dBm). Click twice on the column to change the way of
– value of the supply voltage.
– temperature registered by the temperature sensor in the device.
Work time
– work time of the device. The time is counted from the moment of the device
being registered to the controller, or restart of the device.
– firmware version of the device and build date. The orange font indicates that
a new firmware version is available (see “Updating the firmware of ABAX 2 wireless
devices” p. 54). The
[yellow] icon displayed in the field means that the firmware update
attempts have failed.
– percentage value indicating progress of the device firmware update.
– the [black] icon indicates that the controller has just received a transmission
from the device.
click to clear trouble memory / restart the process of device firmware update.
click to start the test mode in the ABAX 2 system.
click to end the test mode in the ABAX 2 system.
click to refresh information about the supported devices.
click to display the graphs window (see “Graphs”).
5.5.1 Graphs
Presented in the form of graphs are radio signal levels on four channels used by the ABAX 2
system. They allow you to check whether other radio devices that may interfere with
communication are working on this channel and what is the radio noise level. If there are any
undesired radio signals which are comparable to or stronger than the signals from the
ABAX 2 system, they will interfere with the system operation. This may result in a periodic
loss of communication as well as quicker draining of the battery in wireless devices.