The ADD-200 detector detects changes of light intensity (dusk sensor) as well as changes of
temperature (temperature sensor). It is designed to work within the ABAX 2 two-way wireless
system. The detector is supported by:
ACU-220 / ACU-280 controller,
ARU-200 repeater.
1 Features
Dusk sensor:
– light intensity measurement range from 2 lx to 250 lx,
– possibility to select one of 16 detection thresholds,
– immunity to short and accidental changes of light intensity.
Temperature sensor:
– temperature measurement range from -30°C to +70°C,
– programmable temperature threshold.
Encrypted two-way radio communication in the 868 MHz frequency band (AES standard).
Transmission channel diversity
– automatic selection of the one of 4 channels that will
enable transmission without interference with other signals in the 868 MHz frequency
Remote update of detector firmware.
Remote configuration.
LED indicator.
“ECO” option for longer battery life.
Battery status control.
Weatherproof enclosure of high mechanical strength.
2 Description
Radio communication
The detector connects to the controller at regular time intervals to provide information about
its state (periodical communication). Additional communication will take place when light
intensity drops below the threshold / rises back above the threshold.
Dusk sensor
Figure 1 shows operation of the dusk sensor. On the timeline the T time delay is presented
(in operating mode T = 3 min, in configuring mode T = 3 s). Illustrated with the letter H light
intensity hysteresis and time delay make the sensor immune to short and accidental changes
of light intensity. Table 1 presents light intensity values for 16 detection thresholds of the
sensor. For description of how to configure the sensor, please refer to the ABAX 2 controller
Information about the light intensity drop below the defined threshold (alarm) and the light
intensity restoration above the threshold (alarm restore) is sent instantly.