Le 17/02/09 5/9 U508103-e Révision : 3
Disassembly of the stop-valve
- Disassembly the no return valve (Fig.1).
- Remove the seat of valve.(a)
- Pull out the valve (b) and the spring.(c)
- Disassembly the axle (Fig.2).
- Notice the lever of order and pull out the pin.
- Remove the lever of order.(a)
- Dismantle 4 screws of the cover (b)
Collect the o’ring.(c)
- Pull out the pin.(d)
- Pull out axle.(e)
- Pull out the lever.(f)
- Remove 2 o’rings.(g)
- Disassembly the system of adjustment (Fig.3).
- Pull out the lead.(a)
- To withdraw the axis of leading.(b)
- Inscrew the system of adjustment (c)
Collect the ring BS.(d)
- Disassembly the group sleeve / piston (Fig.4).
- Remove 3 screws (a) and collect 3 gaskets.(b)
- Disassembly the group (c+d)
- To withdraw the piston of its shirt,
Collect spring (e) and washer.(f)
- Deposit trimming (Fig.5).
- To remove the 3 screws (a) and the discs. (b)
- To remove the nose of the piston. (c)
- To withdraw the trimming. (d)
- Deposit of the pilot and the control shaft (Fig.6).
- To remove goupille.(a)
- Deposit of the pilot. (b)
- To remove the thrust (c) and the spring. (d)
- To withdraw the control shaft. (e)