There is no pump in the Thoron-Scout. The air exchange depends on diffusion process only.
If the measured Thoron or Radon concentration exceeds the programmable alarm limit, the
buzzer will sound shortly each second. The alert has to be acknowledged by pressing the
push button. The alert check is performed after completion of each integration interval. If the
alert is enabled, “ALARM ON” will appear in the lower line of the status page.
Fast/Slow Mode
“Fast” and “Slow” mode will determine the kind of calculation of the Radon concentration.
Please refer to the chapters “Theory of Operation” and “Statistical Error”.
The sniffing function allows to indicate Radon by an audible signal. That means that each
decay of the daughter products (either Po-216 only or Po-216 and Po-218, dependent on the
user settings) will cause a short beep. Especially the Po-216 (if present) with its short half life
will give a rapid information about local concentration changes.
Data Handling
Data Storage
All data are stored in a non volatile memory using so called ring-buffer architecture. That
means, the last 2047 data records (data of last 2047 integration intervals) remains in the
memory. Older data will be overwritten if the memory exceeds the limit. Because the
complete measurement data are transferred during download to the PC, the memory should
be cleared after successful data
transmission and storage on hard disk. This will save time
during the next transmission and avoids redundant data storage.
Each data record is stored after completion of the integration interval and contains the full
information of this single integration interval:
time stamp
integration time
alpha spectrum
readings of additional sensors
All sequential records with a time distance to the last record equal to the integration interval
are interpreted later as one measurement series. The measurement may be interrupted as
often as desired to finish the old and start a new measurement series. There is no limit for
the number of series. Single point measurements are also possible.
Data transfer (RS232 and USB interface)
The serial interface according RS232 standard is required to read out measurement data and
to adjust the measurement parameter of the Thoron-Scout. Please note that the power
consumption of the instrument is about five times higher if connected to the PC by the data
transfer cable. In case that the device is permanently connected to a PC, the battery life-time
is reduced due to that. The RS232 port is also used for connecting a modem or ZigBee
wireless adapter.
Alternatively, the USB port can be used for communication. In that case, a software driver
(available on SARAD website) must be loaded and installed before. The communication path
appears as an additional COM port in RadonVision.
Both interfaces cannot be used simultaneously because the RS232 port will be disconnected
automatically after plugging the USB cable into the port.