for your safety
To avoid accidents and possible drowning,
extreme caution must be exercised to prevent the
unsupervised access to the spa by my children.
To reduce the risk of injury, children must
always be supervised when using the spa.
Lower water temperatures are recommended
for young children as they are especially
sensitive to hot water.
Test the water temperature with your hand or
a thermometer before allowing your child to
enter the spa to ensure it will be comfortable.
For childrens’ safety, make sure you always
lock the cover after using the spa and ensure
lockable gates and enclosures are secure.
Do not allow children to climb on the spa
cover; this may void your warranty.
Remind children that wet surfaces can be
slippery & to always be careful when entering
and exiting the spa.
DO NOT place any electrical appliances,
extension leads, lights etc within 5 metres
of the spa.
Do not remove any fittings from the spa
without consulting the dealer from which the
spa was purchased and/or Sapphire Spas.
Incorrect removal of any joints or fittings
could result in an injury.
The water temperature of the spa should
never exceed 40 degrees.
Pregnant women, obese persons, people
with a history of heart disease, irregular blood
pressure diabetes or circulatory system
problems should exercise caution & consult
their doctor before using a spa.
The use of drugs, alcohol and medication
before or during use of the spa may lead to
unconsciousness and possible drowning.
Ensure you have a satisfactory break after
strenuous exercise before using the spa.
People with infections, sores or skin
abrasions should not use the spa.
Observe a reasonable time limit when using
the spa.
Always enter/exit slowly.
Maintain areas around the spa and ensure
good drainage to avoid slippery conditions
and possible injury.
It is crucial that you maintain water chemistry
even when you are not using the spa.
We do not recommend using the spa alone.
The hardcover must be secured when spa
is not in use.
Do not allow diving or jumping into the spa.
It is recommended to display a Resuscitation
Chart in close proximity to your spa.
Should you experience any problem whatsoever,
do not hesitate to contact your authorised
Sapphire Spas store
Common sources of trouble
Here are some tips to help diagnose and rectify
some more common sources of trouble, if you
choose to have a go yourself first.
SV spa controllers feature self-diagnostics and
scrolling error messages to quickly troubleshoot
possible problems. Should the spa control
encounter a problem the error code / message
will scroll across the topside panel screen until
the problem is resolved. If an error condition
is experienced all spa functions are shut down
and the spa should not be used until the error
condition has been fixed. A list of error codes
with descriptions of problems and possible
solutions is detailed below for your reference.
Sapphire Spas have excellent warranties and
only use quality equipment, but it is important to
understand that much like tyres on a car, some
items do wear. These items include pumps &
mechanical seals.
for most error codes mains
power to the spa control must be turned OFF
and then back ON before the error condition
will be cleared.
Heartbeat LED
All SV model spa packs feature a red flashing
heartbeat LED light. The heartbeat LED is located
on the front right hand side of the spa pack itself
(installed underneath spa skirt). The heartbeat
LED flashes to indicate the current health/
status of the spa pack. When the spa pack is
functioning correctly with no errors to report the
heartbeat LED emits a single flash in a constant
pulse much like a heartbeat (ON, OFF, ON, OFF).
If the spa pack encounters a fault the heartbeat
LED will begin flashing in sequence with the error
code number being experienced (i.e. ER2 = ON
ON; OFF ON,ON OFF). If the keypad display
is ever blank, a spa user can still determine the
health status of the SV controller by removing
a door and checking the heartbeat LED on the
front of the spa controller itself.
Service reminder messages
Maintenance reminders such as “SERVICE
FILTERS” can be programmed to scroll across
the screen every 60 seconds after a certain time
period has elapsed. If your keypad display begins
scrolling a service reminder every 60 seconds this
message can be cancelled/reset by pressing the
OK button whilst the service message is scrolling.
Service filters
A default service reminder scheduled to occur
every 2 or 4 weeks. This reminder is to prompt
the spa owner to thoroughly clean and service
their spa filters. The filters will either require
cleaning, soaking in a filter cartridge degreaser
solution or replacing. Refer to spa reseller for
details on recommended cleaning methods.
How to cancel “Service Filters” scrolling
message, then press OK
The most common error codes are ER-3
and ER-4. For any other error codes please
check the website.
As per regulations and Australian Standards Numbers AS1926.3 – 2010 Swimming Pool
Safety Part 3: Water recirculation systems, and AS 2610.2 – 2007 (Incorporating Amendment
No.1) Part 2: Private Spas, Sapphire Spas complies with all relevant Authorities in the
Manufacturing of Spa Pools in Australia. All Standards are approved and agreed with SPASA
of which we are financial members. Sapphire Spas has a duty of care to maintain both Quality
of Product and compliance to Australian Standards, which is our commitment as a responsible
Australian Manufacturing Company.
Exposure of the acrylic shell of your spa to direct sunlight & UV may cause excessive
temperatures to build up beneath the surface and damage the spa. Installation of spa in
direct sunlight & UV may put the acrylic surface under stress and will void the warranty.
Keep the spa covered at all times when not in use to prevent the possibility of damage
and voiding of warranty.
The misuse of chemicals on any Sapphire spa will void warranty. Please ensure your
chemicals are being tested correctly as per your area’s water chemistry. Your local Pool
& Spa specialist will be able to assist you in a spa chemical balance plan. Sapphire
Spas do not deal directly in chemicals. If you notice your jet faces becoming lighter
in colour, jet backings becoming chalky or your headrests beginning to fade, please
contact the dealer from which the spa was purchased.
& error codes
Owners Manual
Owners Manual
Summary of Contents for myHotTub
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