PB-CI7S41X58 Mainboard
~ 29 ~
Set the minimum RAS# active time.
Options: 9 ~ 63, 0 by auto detection.
Set the minimum refresh recovery time.
Options: 15 ~ 255, 0 by auto detection.
Command Rate
Set the command timing setting on a per clock unit basis.
Options: Auto, 1 and 2, 0 by auto detection.
Set the tWR values.
Options: 3 ~ 11, 0 by auto detection.
Set the tWTRvalues
Options: 4 ~ 31, 0 by auto detection.
Set the tRRDvalues
Options: 4 ~ 15, 0 by auto detection.
Set the tRTPvalues.
Options: 4 ~ 15, 0 by auto detection.
Set the tFAWvalues
Options: 15 ~ 63, 0 by auto detection.
Back-to-Back CAS Delay
Set Back-to-Back CAS values.
Options: 3 ~ 31, 0 by auto detection.
CHA/ CHB/ CHC Round Trip Latency
Set Round Trip Latency values.
Options: 1 ~ 255, 0 by auto detection.