Mode 1
The left stick - 2, moved forward and back, gives down
and up elevator, forward for dive and back for climb;
moved left and right – 4 it gives left and right rudder.
The right stick - 3, moved forward and back gives high
and low throttle; 1 - moved left and right it controls the
ailerons, giving left and right bank.
Mode 2
The left stick, moved forward and back, gives high and low throttle, and moved left and right gives left and
right rudder.
The right stick , moved forward and back, gives down and up elevator - forward for dive and back for climb;
moved left and right it controls the ailerons, giving left and right bank.
Inboard and below the sticks there are four sliders - these are
the trims which are used to adjust three of the four functions
(aileron, elevator and rudder) to the neutral position and the
throttle to the full idle position; in flight they are used to trim
the model. On the ground the surfaces are adjusted by means
of the adjustable clevises on the control rods fitted to the
control surfaces.
At the bottom right-hand corner of the transmitter there is a
panel of switches.
The one marked “D/R” is the dual rate switch; in the upper
position, the ailerons, elevator and rudder are moved over a
greater range than when the switch is in the lower position.
The “A-Nor - MIX 1-2” switch is for use with a flying wing
design where aileron and elevator are mixed – leave it in the
lower position.
The remaining four switches marked “AIL, ELE, THR and RUD” are the reversal switches to reverse the
controls should it be necessary.
Low battery warning light and buzzer. When the battery is lower than 8.8V, the power light will blink once
every second, at the same time you will here a buzzing sound. When the battery voltage drops below 8.3 V,
the power light will blink once every half a second and the buzzer will sound continuously.
Checking Control Surfaces for Correct Direction of Travel – VERY IMPORTANT :
The direction the model will go, depends on the direction the control surfaces move when you move the stick
on the transmitter. Please check that the Ailerons ( wings ) and the Elevator ( Tail ) work in accordance with
the following diagrams.