background image

Web Message Options

After you display a numeric page, press 

to display 

Web Message options. To select an option, highlight it and
press .

Call Back

to dial the phone number of the sender.(If


Call: Speaker On

to dial the phone number of the sender

with Speaker Phone mode. (If applicable.)

Save Phone#

to save the sender’s phone number if it is

not already in your Internal Phone Book. (If applicable.)
Or if the sender’s phone number has already been stored
in any Phone Book entry, 

Alternate #s

appears instead of

Save Phone#


Display Phone#

to display the sender’s phone number.


to add numbers to the beginning of the phone

number. (If applicable.)(See “Prepending a Phone
Number From a Web Message” on page 66.)


to extract phone numbers, e-mail or web

addresses (if there are numbers or addresses contained in
the text message). (See “Extracting Phone Numbers or
Email/Web Addresses From Sprint PCS Web Messages” on
pages 66-67.)

Erase Message

to erase the message. (See “Erasing

Individual or All Old Sprint PCS Web Messages” on page

Add Folder

to add the folder and classify the message into

it. (See “Adding a Folder To the Sprint PCS Web Message”
on page 68.)

Move Message

to move a message to the other defined

folder. (See “Moving a Sprint PCS Web Message Into the
Other Folder” on page 68.)


to select next message. 


to select previous message.

Section 8

Managing Messaging





Displaying Web Messages

To display a Web Message from the message notification
alert, see “New Web Messages” on page 63.

To display a Web Message from the main menu:




and press 





, and press 



Then the folder list appears.


of the Navigation key to take a shortcut (steps 1

through 3).




or your defined folder, and press 



Highlight the header of the message you want to see, and
press .

An icon appears at the left side of each header of the

The icons are as follows.

New message

Urgent message

Read message

If the sender’s information has already been stored in the
phone book, the corresponding name, phone number or
e-mail address appears as the header of the message. If
nothing has been stored, the phone number, e-mail
address or text that was included in the message appears
as the header of the message.

To read other message:


of the Navigation key to read the previous



of the Navigation key to read the next message.

Section 8


Managing Messaging


You can make 10

defined folders.


“Move Message”

feature needs at least

one defined folder to

move the message.

Summary of Contents for 4700 - SCP Cell Phone

Page 1: ...Sprint PCS Theclearalternativetocellular SM ...

Page 2: ...ogMode 26 MakingandAnsweringCalls 27 MakingCalls 28 AnsweringCalls 28 MissedCallNotification 29 UsingtheSpeakerphone 29 UsingSprintPCSVoiceCommand 30 DialingOptions 32 In CallOptions 33 IncomingCallNotification 34 End of CallOptions 35 SavingaPhoneNumber 36 FindingaPhoneNumber 36 DialingandSavingPhoneNumbersWithPauses 37 Copyright 2001SprintSpectrumL P Allrightsreserved Noreproductioninwholeorinpa...

Page 3: ...ntries 79 InternalPhoneBookEntryOptions 80 AddingaPhoneNumberorAddresstoanInternalPhoneBookEntry 80 AddingaCallAlarmFromtheInternalPhoneBook 81 CallAlarmAlerts 81 CallAlarmMenu 82 EditinganInternalPhoneBookEntry 82 4 DigitDialing 37 CallingEmergencyNumbers 38 UsingOne TouchSpeedDialing 38 DisplayingYourPhoneNumber 38 RedialingLastOutgoingNumber 38 UsingAnyKeyAnswer 38 UsingAutoAnswer 39 Dialingfro...

Page 4: ...mos 117 ErasingRecordedVoiceMemo 117 MemoOptions 118 Voice ActivatedDialingOptions 118 UsingVoiceRinger 119 UsingVoicePrompt 119 SecretInternalPhoneBookEntries 83 DialingSprintPCSServices 84 MySprintPCSPhoneNumber 84 StoringSpecialNumbersinthePhoneBook 85 UsingDifferentDialingMethods 86 ChangingYourPhone sSettings 89 ChangingtheGreeting 90 AdjustingtheRingerVolume 90 RingerTypes 91 SelectingRinger...

Page 5: ... Sprint PCS SprintPCSbuilttheonlyall digital all PCSnationwidenetworkfromthe groundupforclearercalls servingmorethan300majormetropolitanareas Webuiltournetworktogiveyouwhatwebelieveyoureallywantfromawireless phone clearsound privateconversationsandtime savingfeatures AndSprintPersonalCommunicationsServices candosomethingevenmore far reaching simplifyyourlife Ouradvancedtechnologyisdesignedtogrow w...

Page 6: ...uthroughthestep by stepbasicsofsettingupservicefor yourSprintPCSPhoneTM includingactivatingorunlockingyourphone selectingyourSprintPCSServicePlan receivingyournewSprintPCSPhone Number andsettingupyourvoicemail Onceyouhavecompletedthissection you rereadytoexploretheadvanced featuresofyournewphone Section 1 Getting Started With Sprint PCS Service 3 1 Getting Started ...

Page 7: ... 1 Getting Started GettingStartedWithSprintPCSService Determine if Your Phone is Already Activated Ifyoureceivedyourphoneinthemailorpurchaseditata Sprint Store itprobablyhasbeenactivated Allyouneedtodo isunlockyourphone Ifyourphoneisnotactivated pleaserefertoyour Quick Start GuidetoActivating foreasystep by stepinstructions Unlocking Your Phone Followthesestepstounlockyourphone 1 Pressandhold totu...

Page 8: ...g Started With Sprint PCS Service 7 1 Getting Started GettingHelp Visiting Our Web Site Stopbywww sprintpcs comtogetup to dateinformationon SprintPCS Youcanalso Review coverage maps Learn how to use voicemail Access your customer account Purchase accessories Add additional options to your service plan Check out frequently asked questions Sprint PCS Customer Care SprintPCSCustomerAdvocatesareavaila...

Page 9: ...etting Started Receiving Automated Billing Information Foryourconvenience yourphonegivesyoufreeaccessto billinginformationonyourSprintPCSAccount This informationincludesbalancedue paymentreceived billingcycleandtheamountofminutesusedsinceyourlast billingcycle Followthesestepstoaccessthisinformation 1 Press or 2 Followthevoicepromptstoreceivetheinformationyou want TocalltheAutomatedBillingInformati...

Page 10: ...rlifeand expandyourabilitytostayconnectedtothepeopleandinformationthatare importanttoyou Weknowthatyou reanxioustostartusingit sothissection willgiveyouaquickintroductiontoyournewphone Theeasy to follow instructionswillguideyouthroughthebasicsofthemostcommonfeaturesof yourphoneandyou llbeonyourwaytousingitinnotime Don tforgettheotherchaptersinthisguide They refilledwithinformation aboutthecapabili...

Page 11: 13 2 Getting to Know Your Phone Highlights CongratulationsonthepurchaseofyourSprintPCSPhoneTM SCP 4700 Thisphoneislightweight easy to use reliable andoffersmanysignificantfeatures Dual Band capability provides access to other PCS CDMA and analog cellular where Sprint PCS has implemented roaming agreements pages 22 23 Sprint PCS Wireless WebSM Browser provides access to the wireless Internet in...

Page 12: ... WayCallingandVoiceDial 7 POWER Turnsthephoneonandoff 8 END LetsyoudisconnectacallandreturntoStandby mode Letsyoumuteringerwhenringing 9 CLR Allowsyoutoclearcharactersfromthescreenor backupmenulevels 10 SPEAKERKey LetsyousettheSpeakerPhoneModetoon andoff Speakerisbacksideofthephone oruseVoice Dial 11 Antenna Thevoiceontheotherendsoundsclearest whentheantennaisallthewayup Section 2 Getting to Know ...

Page 13: ...en yourphoneisturnedON Turning Your Phone OFF Press fortwosecondsuntilyousee Poweringoff on thedisplayscreen Yourscreenremainsblankwhileyourphoneisoff Section 2 Getting to Know Your Sprint PCS Phone 17 2 Getting to Know Your Phone ViewingtheDisplayScreen Thislistidentifiesthesymbolsyou llseeonyourdisplayscreen shows your current signal strength The more lines you have the stronger your signal mean...

Page 14: ... Your Phone UsingtheKeyGuard TheKeyGuardfeaturehelpsavoidaccidentalkeypresses withoutblockingincomingcallsormessages KeyGuardis disabledwhenyoureceiveanincomingcallandis reactivatedwhenthecalliscomplete 1 ToactivatetheKeyGuard highlightKeyGuardinthe mainmenuandpress 2 TodisabletheKeyGuard pressandhold UsingtheBattery Battery Capacity YourSprintPCSPhoneisequippedwithaLithiumIon LiIon battery Itallo...

Page 15: ...italthatyou useonlySprintPCS approvedTravelChargerandAC adapterchargers Tousethetravelchargerprovidedwith yourphone 1 Plugthetravelchargerintoawalloutlet 2 Plugtheotherendofthetravelchargerintothebottomof yourphone withthebatteryinstalled Chargingwhenyourphoneisturnedon Thebatteryicon isblinkingwhilecharging The batteryicon stopsblinkingwhenchargingis complete Chargingwhenyourphoneisturnedoff Theb...

Page 16: ... outanddroppedcalls Somecallingfeaturesthatarestandardonthe SprintPCSNetworkareunavailable Therearesecurityandprivacyrisks eavesdroppingand cloning thatexistwithconventionalanalogcellular servicestoday Yourbatteryneedsrechargingsoonerwhenyouuseyour phoneforanalogcellularroaming Section 3 Understanding Roaming 23 3 Understanding Roaming UnderstandingHowRoamingWorks Recognizing Icons on the Display ...

Page 17: ...emainmenu highlightAnsweror Answer Speakerandpress RememberiftheCallGuardfeatureissettoYes youneedto takeextrastepstomakeandreceiveroamingcallsevenif youhaveselectedtheAnalogsetting seepage24 Section 3 Understanding Roaming 25 3 Understanding Roaming SettingYourPhone sRoamMode YourSprintPCSPhoneallowsyoutocontrolyourabilityto roam ByusingtheRoamingmenuoption youcan determinewhichsignalsyourphoneac...

Page 18: ... menudisplays presstheappropriatekeysonyourkeypad Fieldsmustbetwodigits forexample 05 07a 01 01 99 Section 3 26 Understanding Roaming 4 Making and Answering Calls In This Section Making Calls Answering Calls Using the Speakerphone Using Sprint PCS Voice Command Dialing Options In Call and End of Call Options Using One Touch Speed Dialing YourSprintPCSPhoneTM givesyoudifferentoptionsforplacingcalls...

Page 19: ...page87 andusingCallHistory page73 Tomakeacallusingyourkeypad 1 Makesureyourphoneison 2 Enteraphonenumber Ifyoumakeamistakewhile dialing press toeraseonedigitatatime Or press andhold toerasetheentirenumber 3 Press or Tomakecallswhenyouare roamingandCallGuardisenabled highlightRoamCall orRoam SpeakerOnandpress See CallGuard onpage25 4 Whenyou refinished press AnsweringCalls 1 Makesureyourphoneison I...

Page 20: ... Answering Calls 31 4 Making and Answering Calls UsingSprintPCSVoiceCommand WithSprintPCS thefirstwirelessprovidertooffer innovativeVoiceCommandtechnology reachingyour friends family coworkersandteammateshasneverbeen easier especiallywhenyou reonthego WithSprintPCSVoiceCommand Youcanstoreallyourcontact sphonenumbers soyou cansimplysaythenameofthepersonyouwanttocall There snoneedtopunchinalotofnumb...

Page 21: Seepages90 94 Setuptouselikeamainmenu Seepages93 95 VoiceServicetouselikeamainmenu Seepages116 119 Section 4 Making and Answering Calls 33 4 Making and Answering Calls DialingOptions Dialingoptionsaredisplayedwhenyouenternumbersin themainmenu Toselectanoption highlightitandpress Calltodialthephonenumber Ifyouareroamingand havetheCallGuardfeatureactivated selectRoamCall See CallGuard onpage25 Ca...

Page 22: ...toreturntothemainmenu Youcanalsopress CallAgaintodialthephonenumber Call SpeakerOntodialthephonenumberwithSpeaker Phonemode Alternate stosavetheotherphonenumberintothe sameentryinyourInternalPhoneBook Section 4 Making and Answering Calls 35 4 Making and Answering Calls IncomingCallNotification Dependinguponyoursettings yourSprintPCSPhone notifiesyouofincomingcallsinthefollowingways Thephoneringsan...

Page 23: ...tion 4 Making and Answering Calls 37 4 Making and Answering Calls SavingaPhoneNumber YourSprintPCSPhonecanstoreupto300InternalPhone Bookentries PhoneBookentriescanstoreuptoatotalof 300phonenumbersandtheentry snamecancontain16 characters Tosaveanumberfromthemainmenu 1 Enteraphonenumber 2 HighlightSaveandpress 3 SelectalabelbyhighlightingHome Work Mobile Pager Data FaxorNoLabelandpress 4 Enteraname ...

Page 24: ...g Calls 39 4 Making and Answering Calls CallingEmergencyNumbers Youcanplacecallsto911 dial andpress or evenifyourphoneislockedoryour accountisrestricted UsingOne TouchSpeedDialing Withthisfeature youcandialSpeedDialentriesusingone keypressforlocations2 9 TouseOne TouchDialingforSpeedDiallocations2 9 Pressandholdtheappropriatekeyforapproximatelytwo seconds Thedisplayconfirmsthatthenumberhasbeen dia...

Page 25: Entering Characters Using T9 Text Input Entering Symbols and Numbers Thissectionisaroadmaptousingyourphoneandalsoshowshowtoenter charactersinyourphone Everyfunctionandfeaturecanbeaccessed throughamenu Takeafewmomentstoknowyourwayaroundandhowtoenter text You llfindthatitmakesyourphoneeasiertouse Section 5 Navigating through Menus and Entering Text 41 5 Navigating and Entering Text ...

Page 26: ...Menu Togotothepreviousmenu Press Togotothemainmenu Press Section 5 Navigating through Menus and Entering Text 43 5 Navigating and Entering Text MenuNavigation YourSprintPCSPhoneallowsyoutoscrollthroughmenus quicklyandeasily Thescrollbarattherightofthemenu keepstrackofyourpositioninthemenuatalltimes Tonavigatethroughthemenu 1 Highlightyourdesiredmenubyusing ofthe Navigationkey 2 Press Asyounavigate...

Page 27: ...ervice 1 Voice Memo 2 Voice Dial 3 Voice Ringer 4 Voice Prompt 14 KeyGuard ViewingtheMenus Menu Diagram Menusletyoucheckorchangeyourphonesettings The followingoutlineshowsyourphone smenustructure 1 Call History 1 Outgoing Calls 2 Incoming Calls 3 Missed Calls 4 Erase History 2 Messages 1 Voice Mail 2 Page Text 3 Browser Msgs 3 Phone Book 1 Find Name 2 Add New Entry 3 My Phone 4 Speed Dial s 5 Long...

Page 28: ...thewordyouwantdoes notdisplayafteryouhaveenteredalltheletters press toscrollthroughadditionalwordselections Toaccepta wordandinsertaspace press Ifyoumakeamistake press toeraseasingle character orpressandhold todeleteanentireentry SelectingaCharacterInputMode YourSprintPCSPhoneTM bySanyoprovidesconvenientways toenterwords letters punctuationandnumbers Tochangethecharacterinputmode 1 Inatextentryfie...

Page 29: ...rough Menus and Entering Text 49 Tip One symbol input reverts to the previous mode automatically 5 Navigating and Entering Text AddingaWordtotheT9Database Ifawordyouwanttoenterdoesnotdisplayasanoption whenyouareusingT9TextInput youcanaddittothe database Toaddawordtothedatabase 1 SwitchtoAlphabetmode see SelectingaCharacter InputMode onpage46 2 Typethewordusingthemulti tapmethod 3 SwitchbacktoT9 se...

Page 30: ...ume During a Conversation MutingaCall Withallthethingsthatdemandyourattentionintoday sfastpacedworld it s importanttotune intowhatreallymatters YourSprintPCSPhoneTM gives youtheabilitytocontrolyourphone svolumewiththetouchofabutton Notonly youcancontrolwhatyouhear youcanalsocontrolwhatyourcallerhears Section 6 Adjusting Volume 51 6 Adjusting Volume ...

Page 31: ...gacall 1 HighlightMute 2 Press Tounmuteacall 1 HighlightUnmute 2 Press Whenthephoneismuted MUTE appearsonthedisplay Section 6 Adjusting Volume 53 6 Adjusting Volume ChangingRingerVolume Tochangetheringervolume adjustthevolumekeysonthe sideofyourphonewhenthephoneisinStandbymode Tochangetheringervolumefromthemainmenu 1 HighlightSoundsandpress 2 HighlightRinger KeyVolandpress 3 HighlightRingerandpres...

Page 32: ...tyou vemasteredthebasics youcanbegintofocusonwhereyou wanttogo Thissectionguidesyouthroughthecallingfeaturesthat enhanceyourSprintPCSService FromCallerIDtoCallForwarding usingthese featureswillhelpyoumakethemostofyourSprintPCSService Section 7 Using Sprint PCS Service Features 55 7 Sprint PCS Service Features Section 6 54 Adjusting Volume ...

Page 33: PCS Service Features UsingCallerID CallerIDletsyouknowwho scallingbydisplayingthe numberofthepersoncallingwhenyourphonerings Ifthe caller snameandnumberarealreadystoredinyour InternalPhoneBook thecorrespondingnameappearswith thenumber Inthesameway ifyoucallsomeonewhohas thisfeatureyourphonenumberisdisplayedontheirphone Toblockyourphonenumberfrombeingdisplayedfora specificoutgoingcall 1 Press 2...

Page 34: ...aging Messaging 59 8 Managing Messaging ForwardingYourCalls CallForwardingletsyouforwardallyourincomingcallsto anotherphonenumber evenwhenyourphoneisturned off Youcancontinuetomakecallsfromyourphonewith CallForwardingactivated To Activate Call Forwarding 1 Press 2 Entertheareacodeandphonenumbertowhichyour futurecallsshouldbeforwarded 3 Press or Youwillhearatonetoconfirmthe activationofCallForwardi...

Page 35: ...printPCSPhonealertsyou Bydisplayingamessageonthescreen Bysoundingtheassignedringertype BytheLEDblinkingred Bydisplaying atthetopofyourscreenforvoicemail messages SprintPCSWebMessages SprintPCSWebAlerts ornumericpages MessageTypes Therearethreetypesofmessagingfeaturesavailablefrom yourSprintPCSPhone smenu Youcanreceivevoicemail SprintPCSWebMessagesandSprintPCSWebAlertsaslong asyourphonehasenoughmem...

Page 36: ...emainmenu highlightMessagesandpress 2 HighlightVoicemailNeworVoicemailandpress 3 HighlightClearCountandpress 4 HighlightYesandpress SendingWebMessages Numeric Pages Callerscansendanumericpagetoyourphonewhenthey reachyourvoicemailbox NumericpagingtoaSprintPCS Phonecomesatnoadditionalchargeonanyserviceplan thatincludesSprintPCSVoicemail Sprint PCS Wireless Web Messages TherearethreewaystosendaSprint...

Page 37: ...oveamessagetotheotherdefined folder See MovingaSprintPCSWebMessageIntothe OtherFolder onpage68 Nexttoselectnextmessage Previoustoselectpreviousmessage Section 8 Managing Messaging 65 8 Managing Messaging DisplayingWebMessages TodisplayaWebMessagefromthemessagenotification alert see NewWebMessages onpage63 TodisplayaWebMessagefromthemainmenu 1 HighlightMessagesandpress 2 HighlightPage Text andpress...

Page 38: ...oredinthePhoneBookentry Alternate appearsinsteadofSaveWeb Section 8 Managing Messaging 67 Tip If the message has more than two phone numbers to extract these features are available 8 Managing Messaging PrependingaPhoneNumberFroma WebMessage AfteryoudisplayaSprintPCSWebMessagethatcontains callbacknumber press todisplaymessageoptions Ifyouhappentobeoutsideyourlocalareacodeandneedto addaprefixtoaphon...

Page 39: ...AddingaFolderTotheSprintPCSWebMessage AfteryoudisplayaSprintPCSWebMessage press to displaymessageoptions Ifyouwanttoclassifythemessagetoyourdefinedfolder 1 HighlightAddFolder andpress 2 Selectafoldernamefromthemessage andpress 3 Ifyouwantthemessagetobefiledintothefolder automatically highlightYesandpress 4 Highlighttheringertypewhichalertsyoutoreceivethe message andpress MovingaSprintPCSWebMessage...

Page 40: ...YouarenotifiedofnewWebAlertsbythe icon Todisplayanalertfromthemainmenu 1 HighlightMessagesandpress 2 HighlightBrowserMsgs andpress Whenareminderofthechargeappears highlightYes andpress 3 SelectyourdesiredonefromtheSprintPCSWirelessWeb Inbox Section 8 70 Managing Messaging 9 Managing Call History In This Section Viewing Call History Incoming Outgoing and Missed Call History Options Making a Call Fr...

Page 41: ...lfromcallhistory 1 Fromthemainmenu highlightCallHistory 2 Press 3 HighlighteitherOutgoingCalls IncomingCalls or MissedCalls 4 Press 5 Scrollthroughthelisttodisplaythenumberyouwantto call 6 Press or toplacethecall Section 9 Managing Call History 73 9 Managing Call History ViewingCallHistory IncomingOutgoingandMissed You llfindyourcallhistoryinvaluable Itisalistofthelast 10phonenumbersorInternalPhon...

Page 42: ...Outgoing Incoming Missed orAllCallsand press 4 HighlightYesandpress Section 9 Managing Call History 75 9 Managing Call History PrependingaPhoneNumberFromCallHistory Ifyouneedtomakeacallfrom callhistoryandyouhappen tobeoutsideyourlocalareacode youcanaddthe appropriateprefixbyfollowingthesesteps 1 Highlightacallhistoryentryandpress 2 HighlightPrependandpress 3 Enterthedigitsorpauses seebelow youwant...

Page 43: ... Alarm From the Internal Phone Book DialingSprintPCSServices Nowyouknowthebasicsthathelpmakeiteasiertostayintouchwithpeople andinformation Thissectionhelpsyoumakethemostofyourcontacts anduseyourtimemoreefficientlywhenyouaretryingtoconnectwiththe importantpeopleinyourlife Section 10 Using Your Internal Phone Book 77 10 Internal Phone Book Section 9 76 Managing Call History ...

Page 44: ...etter OR 1 Enterthefourdigits 2 HighlightFind andpress 3 Thephonebookentrylistthatincludesthenumbersyou dialedappears 4 Scrollthroughthelisttoselectyourdesiredentry 5 Press or tomakeacall Section 10 Using Your Internal Phone Book 79 10 Internal Phone Book AddingaNewInternalPhoneBookEntry YourSprintPCSPhonecanstoreupto300InternalPhone Bookentries PhoneBookentriescanstoreuptoatotalof 300phonenumbers...

Page 45: ...ionsaredisplayed Toselectanoption highlightitandpress AddPhone toaddaphonenumbertotheentry See AddingaPhoneNumberorAddresstoanInternal PhoneBookEntry onpage80 AddE mailAddrtoaddane mailaddresstotheentry See AddingaPhoneNumberorAddresstoanInternal PhoneBookEntry onpage80 AddWebAddresstoaddawebaddresstotheentry See AddingaPhoneNumberorAddresstoanInternal PhoneBookEntry onpage80 Edittoedittheentry Se...

Page 46: ...ighlightitandpress Callletsyouplaceacall Call SpeakerOnletsyouplaceacallwithSpeakerPhone mode Snoozenotifiesagainafter10minutes ViewDetailsdisplaythedetailsofthecallalarm Alternate swhenyoustoredsomeothernumbersinto thesameentryin ErasedeletestheCallAlarm evenifitisarepeatingone EditTime Dateenablesyoutoeditthecallalarmtime setting Exittoreturntothemainmenu EditinganInternalPhoneBookEntry Tomakech...

Page 47: ...ngsection 3 Press toinsertapauseormanualhyphen 4 Finishenteringtherestofthenumbers thendialorsave theenterednumber Using hyphens YoucanaddhyphenstoyourInternalPhoneBook numbers howevertheyaremainlyforshow Youcaninsert hyphensmanuallywhereyoulike orchooseautomatic hyphenation whichinsertshyphensaccordingtotheNorth AmericanNumberingPlan Enteringamanualhyphen suspendsanyautomatichyphenationforthatnum...

Page 48: ... Your Internal Phone Book 87 10 Internal Phone Book UsingDifferentDialingMethods Prepend Dialing Prependdialingallowsyoutoalteraphonenumberinyour PhoneBookbyaddingadditionalnumbers Forexample if yourInternalPhoneBookentrywasenteredwithoutanarea codeandyouareoutoftown youcanprependthatentry withtheappropriateareacode 1 HighlightthephonenumberstoredinPhoneBookentry orcallhistoryusingoneoftheprevious...

Page 49: ...s Settings In This Section Changing the Greeting Adjusting the Volume Ringer Types Selecting Ringer Types Changing the Contrast and Backlight Setting Data Fax Mode Thissectiondescribeshowyoucanchangeyourphone ssettingstobestsuit yourrequirements Takeafewmomentstoreviewtheseoptionsandaddor adjustthesettingsthatarerightforyou Section 11 Changing Your Phone s Settings 89 11 Changing Your Phone s Sett...

Page 50: ...ingerTypeandpress 3 HighlightMessagesandpress 4 HighlightoneofitemswithinVoicemail Page Textor BrowserMsgsandpress 5 Highlightyourdesiredringertype andpress Section 11 Changing Your Phone s Settings 91 11 Changing Your Phone s Settings ChangingtheGreeting Thegreetingcanbeupto16charactersandisdisplayedon thefirstlineofyourphone sdisplayscreeninStandbymode Tochangeyourgreeting 1 Fromthemainmenu high...

Page 51: ...tone Service setsalertOnorOfffornetworkservices parameterchanges Messages setsalertforMessages page text receiving Settingsare Once Reminder every2minutesfor 20minutesthatamessageiswaiting and Off MinuteBeep setsaminutereminderthatbeepsten secondsbeforetheendofeachminuteduringacall Tosetthealerts 1 Fromthemainmenu highlightSoundsandpress 2 HighlightAlerts andpress 3 HighlightyourdesiredoptionfromS...

Page 52: ...htDisableandpress Section 11 Changing Your Phone s Settings 95 11 Changing Your Phone s Settings ChangingtheBacklightTimeLength Thebacklightsettingletsyouselecthowlongthedisplayscreen andkeypadarebacklitafteranykeypressismade Tochangethebacklightsetting 1 Fromthemainmenu highlightDisplayandpress 2 HighlightBacklightandpress 3 Selectyourdesiredtimelength andpress ChangingtheContrast Toadjustthecont...

Page 53: ...ocking Your Phone Unlocking Your Phone Restricting Calls Using Special Numbers ByusingthesecuritysettingonyourSprintPCSPhoneTM youreceivepeaceof mindwithoutsacrificingflexibility Withseveraloptionsavailable youcan customizeyourphonetomeetyourpersonalneeds Section 12 Setting Your Phone s Security 97 12 Your Phone s Security ...

Page 54: ...ting Your Phone s Security 99 12 Your Phone s Security AccessingtheSecurityMenu YoumustenteryourlockcodetoviewtheSecuritymenu If youforgetyourlockcode tryusingthelastfourdigitsof yourSocialSecuritynumber thelastfourdigitsofyour SprintPCSPhoneNumber or0000 ToaccesstheSecuritymenu 1 Fromthemainmenu highlightSecurityandpress 2 Enterlockcode LockingYourPhone Whenyourphoneislocked youcanonlyreceiveinco...

Page 55: ...on 12 Setting Your Phone s Security 101 12 Your Phone s Security LockingtheKeypad Lockingthekeypadhelpsavoidaccidentalkeypresses withoutblockingincomingcallsormessages Thisfeature canonlybeactivatedwhenyourphoneisinStandbymode Tolockyourkeypad 1 Fromthemainmenu highlightKeyGuardandpress UnlockingtheKeypad 1 Pressandhold fortwoseconds UsingSpecialNumbers Youcansavethreespecialnumbersinadditiontoyou...

Page 56: ... Management In This Section Adding an Event to the Scheduler Event Alerts Adding a Call Alarm to the Scheduler Adding To Do Items Viewing the Scheduler Calendar YourSprintPCSPhoneTM hasbeenequippedwithseveralpersonalinformation managementfeaturestohelpyoumanageyourbusylifestyle Thesefeatures turnyourphoneintoatimemanagementplannerthathelpsyoukeepupwith yourcontacts schedulesandcommitments Ittakesp...

Page 57: ...mportantevents Toaddanevent 1 Fromthemainmenu highlightCalendar 2 Press 3 Highlightthedayyouwanttoaddaneventbyusingthe Navigationkeyandpress 4 HighlightAddEvent andpress 5 HighlightEvent andpress 6 EnteradescriptionandhighlightNextStep 7 Press 8 Enterthetimeanddateusingyourkeypad 9 Youcanalsoselecttheoptions Highlightitandpress Options Savetosavetheentry AM PMtoselecta AM orp PM inthetimesetting S...

Page 58: ...theScheduler ToaddacallalarmfromtheScheduler 1 FromthemainmenuhighlightCalendar 2 Press 3 HighlightthedayyouwanttoscheduleaCallAlarmand press 4 HighlightAddEventandpress 5 HighlightCallAlarmandpress 6 HighlightthePhoneBookentrybyselecting FromPhoneBookorVoicemailandpress or Enterthephonenumberdirectly 7 HighlightNextStep andpress 8 Enterthetimeusingyourkeypad 9 Youcanalsoselecttheoptions Highlight...

Page 59: ...usdisplaysthepreviousscheduledeventorCall Alarmfortheselectedday Exitreturnstopreviousdisplay Section 13 Personal Information Management 109 13 Personal Information ViewingEventsandCallAlarms Toviewyourscheduledeventsandcallalarms 1 Fromthemainmenu highlightCalendarand press 2 Aweeklycalendarisdisplayed Anasteriskisdisplayed underdayswitheventsorcallalarmsscheduled 3 Toviewanindividualday highligh...

Page 60: ...Press foroptions 4 HighlightEraseandpress 5 HighlightYesandpress ToeraseallToDoitems 1 DisplaytheToDoListbyusingtheabovemethod 2 HighlightEraseAllItemsandpress 3 HighlightYesandpress Section 13 Personal Information Management 111 13 Personal Information AddingToDoItems Yourphonecanstoreandmanage20ToDoitems ToaddanentrytoyourToDoList 1 Fromthemainmenu highlightCalendarandpress 2 Press todisplaytheC...

Page 61: ...lculation press Section 13 Personal Information Management 113 13 Personal Information ViewingandClearingMemory Toviewavailableandusedmemoryspace 1 Fromthemainmenu highlightCalendar 2 Press 3 Press todisplaytheCalendarmenu 4 HighlightViewMemory andpress 5 HighlightSchedule CallAlarmorToDoList andpress 6 Highlightanoption andpress Options OKreturnstopreviousdisplay EraseOlddeletestheoldeventsorcall...

Page 62: ...lineonly 3coins Upper MiddleorLowerline 5coins Upper Middle LowerorDiagonallines 4 Tostarttheslot press 5 Tostoptheslot press againorleaveitforfive seconds Ifyouwin lose yourcoinsincrease decrease Ifyouhavelostallcoins thegameisover Youcancontinuethegamebypressing Yes from defaultamount 6 Toendthegame press Section 13 114 Personal Information Management 14 Using the Voice Services of Your Sprint P...

Page 63: ...14 Using the Voice Services of Your Sprint PCS Phone 117 14 Voice Services UsingVoice ActivatedDialing YoucanuseaVoiceDialtagtoautomaticallydialaphone numberinyourInternalPhoneBookandyouentered TouseaVoiceDialtagtocallaphonenumber 1 Press or 2 Attheprompt saythenameintothephone ProgrammingVoice Activated DialingTagtoYourPhone Toprogramavoicedialtag 1 Fromthemainmenu highlightVoiceServiceandpress 2...

Page 64: ... 1 Fromthemainmenu highlightVoiceServiceandpress 2 HighlightVoicePromptandpress 3 HighlightOffandpress Section 14 Using the Voice Services of Your Sprint PCS Phone 119 14 Voice Services MemoOptions Toselectamemooption 1 Fromthemainmenu highlightVoiceServiceandpress 2 HighlightVoiceMemoandpress 3 Highlightoneoftheoptionsandpress Options MemoRecordtorecordVoiceMemo see Recording Memos onpage117 Play...

Page 65: ...printPCSWirelessWebMailSM UsingAOLInstantMessengerSM Service UsingSprintPCSWirelessWebShortMailSM SigningUpforSprintPCSWirelessWebUpdates SettingUpaSprintPCSWirelessWebConnection Bynowyou vediscoveredthegreatfeaturesthatcomewithyourSprintPCS PhoneTM Nowit stimetoexperiencetheSprintPCSWirelessWeb Lettheadventurebegin Section 15 Experiencing Sprint PCS Wireless Web 121 15 Sprint PCS Wireless Web ...

Page 66: ...sthereminderwhenyouexittheBrowser Both setsthereminderbothofwhenyoustartandexit theBrowser None disablesthereminder Section 15 Experiencing Sprint PCS Wireless Web 123 15 Sprint PCS Wireless Web TheSprintPCSWirelessWeb WiththeSprintPCSWirelessWebandyourwireless Internet readyphone youhaveaccesstomanyfeaturesvia thewirelessInternet TheSprintPCSWirelessWebBrowserallowsyouto viewspecially designedver...

Page 67: ...b 125 15 Sprint PCS Wireless Web LaunchingtheSprintPCS WirelessWebBrowser TolaunchtheSprintPCSWirelessWebBrowser Fromthemainmenu highlightWirelessWeband press You llseeafewintroductorymessagesasthe browserlaunches ThefirsttimeyouusetheBrowser you llbepromptedto enablethesecurityfeature Thisautomaticprocesswilltake 3 6minutestocompleteanditoccursjustonce Whenthe processiscomplete you rereadytostart...

Page 68: ...dtoentertheURL siteaddress forthe siteyouwanttovisit Itisnotnecessarytoenter http beforethesitename OnlyHDMLandWMLsitesare accessible Section 15 Experiencing Sprint PCS Wireless Web 127 15 Sprint PCS Wireless Web UsingtheSprintPCSWirelessWebBrowser UsingtheBrowseriseasyonceyou velearnedafewbasics HerearesometipsfornavigatingtheSprintPCSWireless Web Softkeys ThebottomlineoftheBrowsercontainsarowofs...

Page 69: ...nt PCS Wireless Web Going Back Togobackonepage press Entering Text SomewirelessInternetsitesrequirethatyouentertextusing yourphone skeypad See EnteringCharactersUsingT9 TextInput onpage47or EnteringCharactersbyTapping theKeypad onpages46 47 Creating a Bookmark Bookmarksallowyoutostoretheaddressoffavoritewireless Internetpagesforeasyaccessatalatertime Tocreateabookmark 1 Gotothepageyouwanttomark 2 ...

Page 70: ...troubleshootingguide Problem Youcan tescapefromaparticularsite Recommendation GototheSprintPCSWirelessWebhome pagebyusingtheNavigationkeytohighlighttheHome softkey thenpress Problem Youcontinuetoreceiveerrorswhenusinga certainsite Recommendation Tryagainlater Sitesaresometimes temporarilyinaccessibleduetohightrafficvolume Ifthe problempersists theremaybeaproblemwiththesite Problem TheBrowserappear...

Page 71: ...ghttheOKsoftkeyandpress 6 EnteryourAOL InstantMessengerscreennameandpress Usethescreennameyoucreatedwhenyou signedupfortheAOLInstantMessengerService 7 Enterthepasswordassociatedwithyourscreennameand press TheAOLInstantMessengermenuis displayed Section 15 Experiencing Sprint PCS Wireless Web 133 15 Sprint PCS Wireless Web UsingSprintPCSWirelessWebMail WithSprintPCSWirelessWebMail youcansetupa Sprin...

Page 72: receivingyourupdatesonyourSprintPCSPhoneas requested Section 15 Experiencing Sprint PCS Wireless Web 135 15 Sprint PCS Wireless Web UsingSprintPCSWirelessWebShortMail WithSprintPCSWirelessWebShortMail youcanusea person sSprintPCSPhoneNumbertosendinstanttext messagesfromyourInternet readySprintPCSPhoneto theirInternet readySprintPCSPhone andtheycansend messagestoyou Whenyoureceiveanewmessage you...

Page 73: ...ection 15 Experiencing Sprint PCS Wireless Web 137 Note When your phone is in data fax mode you cannot make or receive voice calls 15 Sprint PCS Wireless Web SettingUpaSprintPCS WirelessWebConnection Getting Started YourwirelessInternet readySprintPCSPhoneallowsyouto connecttoalaptopPC hand heldorpalm sizedcomputing devicetosendandreceivee mail accesstheInternetoryour company snetworkandmore witho...

Page 74: ...erofthecallerwhenyouviewyour CallerIDrecords CallWaiting Ifsomeonetriestoreachyouwhileyou re connectedtotheSprintPCSWirelessWeb yourphone behaveslikeitisturnedOFF Dependingonyourservice callersmaygetyourvoicemail CallWaitingis automaticallydeactivatedwheneveryouplaceorreceive aSprintPCSWirelessWebConnectioncall AccessingFeatures Youcanstillaccessmostofyour phone sfeatureswhileyou reconnectedonaSpr...

Page 75: ...rsof continuoustalktimeindigitalmodeand1 25hoursof continuoustalktimeinanalogmodeorapproximately12 daysofcontinuousstandbytimeindigitalmodeand10 hourscontinuousstandbytimeinanalogmode Thebattery chargesinabout3hoursusinganyofthecharging accessoriesavailablewiththisphone Extended Battery Theextendedbatteryprovidesapproximately7 5hoursof continuoustalktimeindigitalmodeand2 5hoursof continuoustalktim...

Page 76: ...ialPrecautionsandtheFCCNotice PartofgettingthemostoutofyourSprintPCSPhoneTM isknowingwhereand howitworksatoptimumefficiency Thissectionoutlinesperformanceand safetyguidelinesthatensureyouexperiencethefullqualitythatyour SprintPCSPhonewasdesignedtogivetoyou Section 17 Knowing Performance and Safety Guidelines 143 17 Performance and Safety Section 16 142 Selecting Your Accessories ...

Page 77: ...movethebattery Ifit sinoperable returnittoaSprintPCSCenterorcallSprintPCS CustomerCareforservice Section 17 Knowing Performance and Safety Guidelines 145 17 Performance and Safety GettingtheMostOutofYourReception Keeping Tabs on Signal Strength Thequalityofeachcallyoumakeorreceivedependsonthe signalstrengthinyourarea Yourphoneinformsyouofthe currentsignalstrengthbydisplayinganumberofbarsnext tothe...

Page 78: ...ce FCCregulationsprohibitusingyourphone whiletheplaneisintheair Section 17 Knowing Performance and Safety Guidelines 147 17 Performance and Safety MaintainingSafeUseofand AccesstoYourPhone FAILURETOFOLLOWTHEINSTRUCTIONSOUTLINED MAYLEADTOSERIOUSPERSONALINJURYANDPOSSIBLE PROPERTYDAMAGE Using Your Phone While Driving Talkingonyourphonewhiledrivingisillegalinsome states Evenwhereit snot itcandivertyou...

Page 79: ...e and Safety Guidelines 149 17 Performance and Safety Turning Off Your Phone in Dangerous Areas Toavoidinterferingwithblastingoperations turnoffyour phonewheninablastingareaorinotherareaswithsigns indicatingthattwo wayradiosshouldbeturnedoff Constructioncrewsoftenuseremote controlRFdevicesto setoffexplosives Turnoffyourphonewhenyou reinanyareathathasa potentiallyexplosiveatmosphere Althoughit srar...

Page 80: ...ure pleasevisitthe FCCwebsiteatwww fcc gov Section 17 Knowing Performance and Safety Guidelines 151 17 Performance and Safety Disposal of Lithium Ion LiIon Batteries ForsafedisposaloptionsofyourLiIonbatteries contact yournearestSprintPCS authorizedservicecenter SpecialNote Besuretodisposeofyourbatteryproperly In someareas thedisposalofbatteriesinhouseholdor businesstrashmaybeprohibited Acknowledgi...

Page 81: ...ARvalueofaphoneistheresultofanextensive testing measuringandcalculationprocess Itdoesnot representhowmuchRFthephoneemits Allphonemodels aretestedattheirhighestvalueinstrictlaboratorysettings Butwheninoperation theSARofaphonecanbe substantiallylessthanthelevelreportedtotheFCC Thisis becauseofavarietyoffactorsincludingitsproximitytoa basestationantenna phonedesignandotherfactors What isimportanttore...

Page 82: ... Warranty Information In This Section TermsandConditionsofServices Manufacturer sWarranty ThissectioncontainstheTermsandConditionsofServicesandthe manufacturer swarrantyforyourSprintPCSPhoneTM Section 18 Terms and Conditions Warranty Information 155 18 Warranty Terms and Conditions ...

Page 83: ...SERVICE PLAN BEFORE THE END OF THE TERM OR IF WE TERMINATE SERVICES FOR CAUSE BEFORE THE END OF THE TERM YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO PAY THE EARLY TERMINATION FEE ASSOCIATED WITH YOUR TERM SERVICE PLAN No early termination fee is charged if you Terms and Conditions Warranty Information 157 Terms and Conditions Terms and Conditions of Services Effective as of November 24 2003 until replaced Thanks for ...

Page 84: calls while using third generation services Data usage will be rounded up to the next whole kilobyte Kilobyte usage will be rounded up to the next full cent Rounding up will occur at the end of each separate session or each clock hour at the top of Terms and Conditions Warranty Information 159 terminate a Term Service Plan in accordance with the return policy associated with your Term Service P...

Page 85: ...f the session spans more than 1 clock hour When traveling on our PCS Vision network a session may be ended and new session initiated although no interruption to the actual data session will occur Your invoice will not separately identify the number of kilobytes attributable to your use of specific sites sessions or services used PCSVisionPremiumServices Your PCS Vision wireless services may allow ...

Page 86: ...s Payment is past due if we do not receive it by the due date shown on your invoice Any payment for Services and equipment not made when due accrues late charges until paid at the rate of 5 per month or at the highest rate allowed by law Acceptance of late or partial payments even if marked paid in full does not waive our right to collect all amounts that you owe us If your Service has been suspen...

Page 87: for taxes fees and other charges levied by or remitted directly to federal state or local authorities or foreign government on Services including without limitation sales gross receipts use and excise taxes If you claim any tax exemption you must provide us with a valid tax exempt document Any tax exemption applies only from the date we receive a valid tax exempt document We also invoice you f...

Page 88: ...eposit in the U S mail postage prepaid and properly addressed Unless required by this Agreement or Applicable Laws 1 you may notify us by calling PCS Customer Service Solutions and 2 we may notify you by leaving a message for you on your PCS Phone answering machine or with your answering service Notice addresses may be changed by giving notice as provided in this section Terms and Conditions Warra...

Page 89: ... consistent with Applicable Laws as nearly as possible to reflect the original intentions of the parties and the rest of this Agreement remains in full force and effect Section headings are for descriptive purposes only and are not used to interpret this Agreement You may not assign this Agreement to any other person or entity without our prior written approval This Agreement including any referen...

Page 90: ...MPLE Section 18 Terms and Conditions Warranty Information 171 18 Warranty Terms and Conditions Manufacturer sWarranty Customer Limited Warranty SPRINTSPECTRUM L P SprintPCS offersyoualimited warrantythattheenclosedsubscriberunit Product includingaccessoriesintheproductpackage willbefree fromdefectsinmaterialorworkmanshipasfollows SUBSCRIBERUNIT A SPRINTPCSONE 1 YEARLIMITEDWARRANTY Fora periodofone...


Page 92: ...aiting Responding 56 CallerID 56 CallingEmergency Numbers 38 Calls Answering 28 Making 28 MissedCallNotification 29 Speakerphone 29 ChangeYourLockCode 98 ChangingServicePlan 158 ChangingtheContrast 94 CharacterInputMode Selecting 46 Charges 160 D DangerousAreas 148 Deposits 165 DesktopCharger 140 DetermineIfYourPhone IsAlreadyActivated 4 DialingOptions 32 DialingPhoneNumbers WithPauses 37 Displayi...

Page 93: ...Updates 135 177 19 Index I In CallOptions 33 IncomingCallNotification 34 Indemnification 172 InternationalCalling 170 InterruptionofService 168 Invoicing 161 K KeyGuard 100 L LatePaymentCharges 162 LimitationofLiability 170 171 LostorStolenEquipment 169 M MakingandAnsweringCalls 28 ManagingCallHistory 71 ManagingMessaging 59 MenuItems 43 MenuStructure 44 45 Menus Viewing 42 N NavigatingThroughMenu...
