11. Other Specifications
Ultra clear STN LCD. 180
viewing angle
Blue: Measurement. Green: Calibration. Red: Alarm
Reading lock
Low battery reminder
Replace batteries when icon blinks
Automatic power-off
8 minutes after last key press
Water proof rating
IP67 floats on water
DC3V, AAA batteries×4
Battery life
Continuous operation>200 hours
Tester: 40×40×178mm/133g;
Suitcase: 255×210×50mm/700g;
12. Probe Replacement
Twill off the screw
, unplug the probe, plug in new probe (pay attention to probe’s position),
and screw on the screw ring.
13. Warranty
We warrant this instrument to be free of defects in parts and workmanship for two years from
date of shipment (a six month limited warranty applies to probes). This warranty does not apply to
defects resulting from actions of the user, such as misuse, improper wiring, operation outside of
specification, improper maintenance or repair, or unauthorized modification.
Warranty period is the time limit to provide free service for the products purchased by customers,
not the service life of the instruments or probes.
Shanghai San-Xin Instrumentation, Inc.
Add: 3/F. Building No.4, No. 471 Guiping Road, Shanghai, China. 200233
Tel: +86-21-63362480 Fax: +86-21-64956880
Website: www.shsan-xin.com E-mail: [email protected]