Step-3: Select “Network Setting”
Network Setting allows the user to perform the following setups:
Assign IP to NIC ports, and configure NIC ports Bonding (teaming) Mode.
Enable/Disable Network services/protocols, such as:
- Workgroup/Domain/ADS service for Windows clients.
- NFS, NIS, AFP, LDAP, FTP, iSCSI (initiator/target), IPsec services.
By default, CIFS service is enabled, please refer to the NAS-Administrator Guide for
instructions on disabling this service.
Step-4: Select “Storage Manager” -> “Volume Group Manager”
RV – raw volume; the total available volume that has not been defined.
PV – physical volume; the total RAID or JBOD defined volume, converted from RV.
LV – logical volume; Network Shares or iSCSI Target Volumes, assigned from PV.
The “RV Pool” displays the available volumes associated with their capacity. This is the raw
RAID volume.
Select the desired volume by placing a check mark on “OK”, and click “Create PV”. The NAS
unit will then write its signature to the RV and convert it into a PV.
Step-5: Select “Storage Manager” -> “Logical Volume Manager”
LV is the actual share used via Microsoft Network, AFP or NFS. The name assigned will be
the share name.
To create the LV:
Select the appropriate PV.
Assign a name to the share under “Volume Name”.
Select a file format: “iSCSI” or “NFS” (for network share).
Type in a share description (optional).
Assign a size to the share under “Volume Size” in MB.
Click “Create LV”.
The Volume-Name (LV name) will be the network share name. The Volume size (LV
size) will be the network share size.
Step-6: Select “User & Access” -> “Local User Management”
“Local User Management” is for Windows Workgroup clients (who are not Domain users
or ADS users) and Mac clients.