When the radio is not connected to a USB power source,
the battery charging indicator will turn red to indicate the
radio's battery is low. Connect the radio to a USB power
source to charge it.
If the battery charging indicator turns red while the radio is
connected to a USB power source, this indicates that an
error is detected.
Performing the radio's initial setup
After the radio has been supplied with power, it will
automatically turn on. "SANGEAN" will be displayed on
the radio's display and a bar below this text will indicate
the progress of the startup process.
Once the radio has finished starting up, it will immediately
switch over to the initial setup process. During the initial
setup process, the startup wizard will guide you through
the configuration of the language of the on-screen menus
and the network configuration of the radio.
Setting the menu language
Once the language selection menu appears on the
display. The English language is the default language
and is therefore highlighted by default. Select the desired
language using the Up and Down button and confirm your
choice by pressing the Select button.
The mobile app's privacy policy
Next, the radio will display a QR code and the URL
https://www.mediayou.net/policy.php to direct you to the
Privacy Policy.
Be sure to read this Policy before using the online functionality
of the radio and only use the internet radio feature if you
agree to all terms and conditions in the Privacy Policy. If you
do not agree, do not use the internet radio feature and use
the radio for playback in other modes instead.
Press the Select button to continue setting up the radio
using the setup wizard.
Configuring the network connection
When configuring the network connection, the first
question the setup wizard will ask is whether you want it
to check for network connections when your turn the radio
on. There are two options here:
The radio will automatically scan for Wi-Fi
networks when it is turned on and it is not or cannot
connect to networks it has previously connected to.
The radio will not automatically scan for Wi-Fi
networks when it is turned on and is not already connected
to a network that it has previously connected to. In this
case, you will have to connect to a network manually using
the radio's menu.
Next, the wizard will ask if you want to configure the
network now. There are four options to choose from here:
The radio will scan for nearby Wi-Fi networks.
After scanning has completed, select your network
from the list using the Up, Down and Select button
and then enter the password using the Up and
Down buttons to select a character, the Left and
Right buttons to go to the previous or next character
and Select to confirm the input. After entering the
password, the radio will connect to the network. The
setup wizard has now been completed and the radio
will switch over to the main menu.
This option will display a QR code that,
when scanned, takes you to a page with instructions
on how to install the AirMusic Control mobile app
on your Android or iOS device and how to then
connect the radio to your Wi-Fi network. Follow these
instructions to successfully connect the radio to your
Wi-Fi network. After the radio has been connected to
the network, the setup wizard has been completed
and the radio will switch over to the main menu.
If your router supports WPS (refer to the
instruction manual of your router), you can also use the
WPS feature to connect the radio to your Wi-Fi network.
After selecting WPS, press the WPS button on your
router within 120 seconds to establish a connection
between the 2 devices. Once the connection is
established, the setup wizard is now completed and the
radio will switch over to the main menu.
Select no if you do not want to connect the
radio to the Wi-Fi network at this point in time. When
not connected to a Wi-Fi network, the radio can
still be used to play FM radio. In addition, the radio
can be connected to a Wi-Fi network at any time by
using the menus on the radio.
After finishing this step, the setup wizard is completed.
The radio's time and date will automatically be set if you
have connected to a Wi-Fi network, your radio is now
ready for use.
Turning the radio on / off
When the WFR-39 is turned off, simply connect it to
a USB power source to turn it on. While the radio is
connected to a USB power source, press the Power
button to switch it to the Standby mode or disconnect it
from the USB power source to turn off the radio.
To use the radio on battery power, make sure the radio is
disconnected from the USB power source and press and
hold the Power button to turn on the radio. To turn off the
radio, press the Power button.
When the radio is turned on, the radio's boot up
process and connecting to a Wi-Fi network can take a
short period of time. After the radio has connected to a
Wi-Fi network, the Wi-Fi icon on the radio's display will
indicate the strength of the wireless connection.
Navigating the radio menus
The radio's menus can be navigated using the Up, Down,
Left, Right and Select buttons.
In horizontally displayed menus (such as the main menu
and the menus that are displayed during the setup
wizard), an item or submenu can be highlighted by
pressing the Left or Right button and then pressing the
Select button to confirm.
In vertically displayed menus (most other menus), the Up
and Down buttons can be used to highlight an item, while
pressing the Select button it can be used to confirm your
choice. The Left button can now be used to go back to the
previous menu and the Right button can be used to go to
the next menu.
In cases where text or numbers need to be inputted, the
Up and Down buttons can be used to select the required
character, while the Left and Right buttons can be used to
go to the previous or next character respectively.