(electrical and electronic equipment), and must therefore be disposed of in the
appropriate recycling receptacles of WEEE (waste electrical and electronic
Do not dispose of electrical and electronic equipment in household waste! The
European Directive 2012/19/EU on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)
incorporated in national law, stipulates that electrical or electronic equipment no
longer suitable for use must be collected separately and sent for recovery in an
environmentally friendly manner, either disposing of the equipment in the appropriate
Local Authority recycling receptacles or returning it to the supplier when buying a
The manufacturer is directly or indirectly involved in the re-use, recycling or recovery
of the article.
Incorrect disposal or use of electric and electronic equipment or parts can be
dangerous for the environment as well as human health, due to the potentially
hazardous components.
Users who do not dispose of electric and electronic waste correctly are liable to
sanctions by the Local Authority.
The guarantee is applied from VIGLIETTA MATTEO S.p.A., VUEMME S.r.l. and
(the “company”) for its own products,
under D.Lgs. n. 206/2005 (the “Consumer code”) of Italian Civil Code.
In accordance with the law, our company applies the guarantees listed here below:
the LEGAL GUARANTEE OF CONFORMITIES, set by article 132 of Consumer Code, that
lasts 24 MONTHS. This guarantee is applied only for consumers (that means, pursuant
to art.3 of Consumer code, “
consumer or user: any natural person who is acting for
purposes which are outside his trade, business or profession
”) for all the products
purchased with normal sales receipt;
the WARRANTY FOR DEFECTS, set by article 1495 of Civil Code, that lasts 12 MONTHS.
This guarantee is applied to all professional operators, that means the final users that
are VAT-registered (societies made of persons or capital, sole proprietor firms, craft
businesses, independent professionals, etc.) that use the product for professional
purpose and that purchase the product with the sales receipt.
The guarantees above listed, do not include:
the reparations made by non authorized
tampering/disassembly/modifications; misuse and incorrect use (not compliant with
the instructions included in the user’s manual
); continued use after failure; use of
incorrect/non-original accessories; use of spare parts different from original ones,
defective or improper maintenance; use of wrong lubricants and/or damaged due long
storage, charcoals, cable, plug, grease, air filter, carburetor, tubes of carburetor,
lubricants in general.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information at the e-mail address