S&C Instruction Sheet 461-503 9
Obtain the transceiver ID.
A transceiver ID unique to each TripSaver II recloser is needed to establish
communications between the computer and the recloser. The ID consists of a
32-digit character string in the format of
“0019C900.00020000. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _”.
The ID must be entered to communicate with each TripSaver II recloser.
Method 1:
The transceiver ID is embedded in the QR code laser-etched
onto the lower housing of each TripSaver II recloser, as shown in Figure 7.
Download a free smart phone QR scanner app and scan the QR code to
obtain the transceiver ID. Some smart phones have QR code scanners built
into their cameras.
Method 2:
Rotate the mode selector lever to initiate the display screens
after the TripSaver II recloser is powered up. The fi rst screen to appear will
contain the transceiver ID. See Figure 8.
Method 3:
The transceiver ID is also printed on the backside of the yellow
“DO NOT DROP—HANDLE WITH CARE” tag attached to each TripSaver II
recloser. See Figure 9.
Connecting to a TripSaver II Recloser
Figure 8. Transceiver ID on the TripSaver
II recloser LCD screen.
Figure 9. Transceiver ID on yellow tag.
Last 16 digits here
Figure 7. The location of the QR code.
QR code