S&C Instruction Sheet 1074-530
tab, shown in Figure 67 on page 44, is provided to support advanced integrator
troubleshooting and is not used for configuration of a SpeedNet ME Radio network. A
limited selection of LINUX shell commands (e.g. cat, cd, ls) can be executed. Execution
of shell commands is performed in a batch manner, waiting for the output to complete
before returning a result. As such, execution of commands that produce continuing out-
put (e.g. default LINUX ping command) will “hang” the shell command in the client tool
without ever returning a result.
Here are some useful shell commands and their descriptions. Note that shell
commands are for advanced users, and they are not guaranteed to carry forward into
future versions of SpeedNet ME Radio firmware. These shell commands lack the
automated range and other check features of the SpeedNet Client Tool GUI.
Shell commands have the potential to lock up radios in a state that requires
power cycling or (worse) a state that prevents them from rebooting successfully.
Because of this, shell commands should be used with caution.
cat /etc/config/config.dat—
This command prints the configuration file. Users can
copy and paste the result into another tool (e.g. Windows Notepad) to create a record
of radio configurations.
cat /proc/aodv/neighbor—
This command prints the AODV neighbor list. Users can
copy and paste the result into another tool (e.g. Windows Notepad) to create a re-
cord of radio neighbors which can greatly aid in determining the connectivity in the
SpeedNet mesh.
head -n <count> /etc/config/config.dat—
This command views the first few <count>
lines of the configuration file.
tail -n <count> /etc/config/config.dat—
This command views the last <count> lines
of the configuration file.
ping -c <count> <host IP>—
Ping the host indicated by <host IP>. The num-
ber of ping requests sent is controlled by <count>. The SpeedNet ME Radio does
not use DNS, so <host IP> must be a standard dotted-number notation IP address
It is important that a value for <count> actually be set. Until the ping command has
completed execution (approximately <count> seconds), the radio will not respond
to further SNMP requests. If <count> is not set (i.e., if the -c option is not provided)
then the ping command will not return and the radio will not answer SNMP requests
until it is rebooted. Because the radio cannot answer SNMP requests (such as reboot
requests), the only way to reboot will be to cycle power physically at the radio. Power
cycling radios installed in the field is a significant effort.
/sbin/route | grep <host IP>—
This command will print the route to <host IP>, if it
exists. If this command returns nothing, it means no route to the indicated host exists.
The line between “route” and “grep” is a vertical bar and, on most keyboards, is gener-
ated by holding the Shift key and pressing the backslash key.
SpeedNet Client Tool