6 S&C Instruction Sheet 766-512
An IntelliRupter PulseCloser Fault Interrupter with
catalog number suffix -P300 or -P350 is shipped with the
external power supply assembly packed in a separate box
inside the crate.
The exter nal power supply mounting bracket
i s b olt e d t o t he b ot t om of t he I nt el l i R u pt er
fault interrupter crossarm base, and the junction box is
mounted on the IntelliRupter fault interrupter pedestal.
The power supply slides into the mounting bracket, and
must be grounded to the IntelliRupter fault interrupter
base. See Figure 1 and Figure 3 on page 9.
Figure 1. The external power supply installed on a pedestal-
mounted IntelliRupter fault interrupter.
Two control power sources can be wired to the junc-
tion box, and the secondary source only replaces the
primary source if the primary source is not powered. The
secondary source can be connected to either ac control
power or dc substation battery power.
The external power supply can be installed on
IntelliRupter fault interrupters that also have one or two
integrated power modules. The external power supply is
used when power is not supplied by the integrated power