S&C Instruction Sheet 761-515
Installing the Interphase Operating
Step 8
To minimize time-consuming final adjust-
ments after installation, make sure that
the switch poles are in their fully
position and their toggle mechanisms are
against their closed stops during installation
of both the interphase and vertical operat-
ing-pipe sections . Switch blades can be tied
to their jaw-contact members and the toggle
mechanisms can be tied to their stops .
Install the interphase pipe sections as follows:
Install the horizontal pipe sections to inter-
connect the switch poles and the outboard
bearing assembly (assemblies).
For triangular-upright or tiered-
outboard mounting configuration
install the vertical pipe
sections to interconnect the outboard
bearing assemblies. Torque the clamp
bolt of each pipe coupling to final
tightness, piercing the pipe, and
continue turning until a firm resistance
is felt.
When two outboard bearings are
used in a double-offset arrangement:
install the connecting pipe between
these bearings. Torque the clamp
bolts of each pipe-coupling clamp to
final tightness, and then tighten the
associated piercing set screw, piercing
the pipe. Continue turning until a firm
resistance is felt.
If the outboard bearing assembly is
mounted between switch poles:
the drag link to the interphase pipe,
using the offset coupling previously
attached to the drag link in Step 3.
Torque the clamp bolts of each pipe-
coupling clamp to final tightness, and
then tighten the associated piercing
set screw, piercing the pipe. Continue
turning until a firm resistance is felt.
Tighten the take-up screws of the adjustable
pipe couplings to remove all play in the inter-
connecting linkage. Make sure the switch-pole
toggle mechanisms remain against their closed
Tighten the locknut on each adjustable pipe-
coupling take-up screw.