Installation and Operation Manual
4-6-1 Display Filter
There are a couple of methods to filter AIS
vessel in this unit as below.
Filter by Type :
The type of vessel which is
selected will not be displayed on the chart.
Filter by distance :
Vessels outside the
radius of selected distance from own ship is
Filter by speed :
Vessels with speed below
the set value are filtered.
Show Dangerous Only :
When this option
is selected, it shows dangerous vessel only
4-6-2 Alarm Option
Dangerous Vessel Alarm :
When this
option is selected an alarm will activate. Even
this option is not selected; dangerous vessels
will still be on the chart.
TCPA Limit :
Set the Time of Closet Point of
Approach limit.
CPA Limit :
Set the Closet Point of Approach
Proximity alarm :
Trigger an alarm when
any AIS equipped vessel is within a set
proximity radius.
Proximity radius :
Set a radius for
proximity alarm.
4-6-3 Display Option
Projected course :
Set a time for projected
course. The project course show the estimate
course of vessel base on the given time
Range rings :
Select a number of Range
4-6-4 Restore Default
Returns every AIS setting to default.