PAGE 23 of 61 HO-7-1237 & HO-4-1234 OIL-FIRED HEATERS
-- This step allows you to view the flame timer log. The heater’s PLC logs
burner flame time month by month. These times can be used to determine regular
maintenance intervals. Use the +/- selector switch to enter “YES” or “NO” to select
whether you want to view the log. If you select “NO”, press the RESET button and you
will advance to Step 3.
If you select “YES”, press RESET and you will enter the timer log. The +/- switch is
now used to scroll from month to month. When you are finished viewing the times, press
RESET to advance to step 3.
-- This step is used to enable or disable the automatic 24-hour shutdown. If this
feature is enabled, everyday at a user defined time the heater will automatically shut
down and ERROR 499 will be displayed. To prevent the automatic shutdown, this
feature should be disabled.
To enable this feature, turn the +/- selector switch to “+”. To disable this feature, turn the
switch to “- ”. Once the desired option is selected, press the reset button to continue. If
the “disable” option has been chosen, the test program will advance to step 4. If the
“enable” option is chosen, a prompt will appear which allows you to set the time you
want the heater to automatically shutdown. Once the shutdown time has been set, the test
program will advance to step 4.
-- Observe the condition of PLC inputs. There are actually two stages to this
step. Press the RESET button to see the second stage. The alphanumeric displays ON and
OFF status of inputs. If input status is not correct, the input number will flash on the
displays until corrected. The operation of the remote and local start-stop switches and
other inputs can be tested while observing the displays or the input LED indicators on the
PLC. Press RESET to proceed. (If inputs are not correct, advancing to step 5 will be
prohibited. If problem is understood and bypass is desired, press and hold RESET button
for 3 seconds to advance.)
-- Turn on the fans. Confirm that input lights 5 and 10 are ON. If 10 is OFF, it
means that the fan interlock relay is not working or has not been installed. This must be
corrected. (The operation should be the same if a central PLC is used instead of a
mechanical relay). If input 5 is OFF it means that the airflow switch AFS needs
adjusting. Remove its cover and rotate the adjusting screw counter-clockwise until input
5 turns ON.
Press RESET to proceed with step 6.
-- The fans must be
for the following steps.
The digital air temperature controllers are energized during this step. These digital
controllers have been pre-tuned by the factory for best operation with the Oil-Fired