The LDAP configuration basically consists of many long sentences.
During LDAP configuration, FLIP can be fetched using the text file to prevent typos and make a
batch setting.
Input of file name and content should be case sensitive for correct operation.
Format of LDAPConnectionConfig.txt
(1) Example of the text file
User ID=cn=Manager, dc=example, dc=com
Server Address=123.456.789.012
Server Port Number=12345
Base DN=dc=samsung, dc=example, dc=com
SSL/TLS=Don't Use
Use Untrusted Certificates=Don't Use
Authentication Type=Basic
Kerberos Realm=MYLDAP.COM
KDC Host=krb1.myldap.com
KDC Port=88
(2) Allocation of values (VAL) for each key
User ID: Enter the User ID.
Server Address: Enter the IP or URL of the LDAP server.
Server Port Number: Enter the Port of the LDAP server.
SSL/TLS: Enter Use or Don't Use.
Use Untrusted Certificates: Enter Use or Don't Use.
Authentication Type: Enter Basic or Anonymous.
The following three items will be added if you select Kerberos type verification.
Kerberos Realm: Fill in the Kerberos field (Example: MYLDAP.LDAP)
KDC Host: Enter the KDC Host URL (Example: krb1.myldap.com)
KDC Port: Enter the KDC Host Port (Example: 88)
If you select to use Kerberos type verification, use the original Kerberos User ID for
a User ID instead of User ID in DN(Distinguished Name) format. (Example: Mirko)
How to create a text file for use of