Smart Hub
Smart Hub
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With Smart Hub, you can surf the web, download apps, and stay in touch with family and friends
through social networking services. In addition, you can use photo, video, and music files stored on
external storage devices.
Some Smart Hub services are paid services. To purchase such a service, the service provider account or
Samsung Apps TV account (Samsung account) is required.
Make sure the TV is connected to the Internet. The TV must be connected to the Internet in order to use
Smart Hub.
Some features of Smart Hub require an Internet connection and may not be available depending on the
service provider, language, or region.
To use Smart Hub, you must agree to the end user agreement and privacy policy. Otherwise, you will not
be able to access the features and services related to them. You can view the entire content of the
Terms &
by navigating to
Smart Hub
Terms & Policy
. If you don't wish to use Smart Hub anymore, you can
withdraw the agreement.
Smart Hub service outages can be caused by disruptions in your Internet service.
Testing Smart Hub connections
Self Diagnosis
Smart Hub Connection Test
If Smart Hub is not functioning, navigate to
Self Diagnosis
Smart Hub Connection Test
Diagnose the problem by checking the internet connection, your ISP, the Samsung server and the
Samsung Apps panels.
After completing the test, if Smart Hub continues to have problems, contact your Internet Service Provider
or a Samsung Contact Centre.