Specifies the position at which the schedule is placed.
Insert between existing schedules
This m eans that the new schedule is in serted with out affecting the total
playtim e of existing s chedu les . If the new schedule to be ins erted intrud es
on the end time of the existing schedule, the s tart time selected by the
user is igno red and the s tart time is chan ged to after th e end time of the
existin g schedule. If the end time of the n ew s ched ule to be inserted
intrudes on the s tart time of an existing s chedule, the start tim e of the
existin g schedule is chan ged to after th e end time of the new schedule.
Ignor e & overwrite existing schedules
Existing s chedu les are ignored and the new schedule is ins erted at the
required time. If th e new schedule overlap s with an exis ting sch edule, their
time can be chang ed and can even be removed b ecause it is overwritten
by the new schedule.
Ov erwri te the present schedul e
If an existin g schedule overlaps with the new sch edule, it is ignored an d
overwritten b y the new sch edule. B ut if the end time of the n ew s chedu le
overlaps with an existing schedule, the s tart time of that exis ting s ched ule
is ch an ged to after the end time of the new s chedu le.