Your Galaxy Watch is hot to the touch
When you use apps that require more power or use apps on your Galaxy Watch for an
extended period of time, your Galaxy Watch may feel hot to the touch. This is normal and
should not affect your Galaxy Watch’s lifespan or performance.
If the Galaxy Watch overheats or feels hot for a prolonged period, do not use it for a while. If
the Galaxy Watch continues to overheat, contact a Samsung Service Centre.
Alti-Barometer information is wrong
After you calibrate the altimeter, the value for altimeter will become inaccurate after a
period of time. To measure the accurate altitude, tap frequently to calibrate the value
for the altimeter.
The altitude measured may not be accurate if water (shower and water activity) or foreign
materials enter the atmospheric pressure sensor. If there is any detergent, sweat, or rain
on the Galaxy Watch, rinse it with clean water and dry the atmospheric pressure sensor
thoroughly before use.
Your Galaxy Watch cannot find your current location
The Galaxy Watch uses your mobile device’s location information. GPS signals may be
obstructed in some locations, such as indoors. Set the mobile device to use Wi-Fi or a mobile
network to find your current location.
Data stored in the Galaxy Watch has been lost
Always make backup copies of all important data stored in the Galaxy Watch. Otherwise, you
cannot restore data if it is corrupted or lost. Samsung is not responsible for the loss of data
stored in the Galaxy Watch.