Call barring
Outgoing calls
- set to prevent all
outgoing calls
International calls
- set to prevent
calls to international numbers
International calls except to home
- set to prevent international
calls to countries other than your home
Incoming calls
- set to prevent all
incoming calls
Incoming calls when abroad
- set to
prevent incoming calls when you are
outside your home service area
Control network modes and selection
Network mode
- set to operate on a
UMTS or GSM network or set to
operate on both (Dual mode)
Operator selection
- set the device to
automatically or manually select a list
of cellular networks
Cell info display
- set to indicate
when the device is used in a Micro
Cellular Network
Operator Settings
- check your
service provider according to the SIM
card you are using
To receive service on another
network, you must select one that
has a roaming agreement with your
home network.