Samsung Electronics
4-2 Printer
4-2-1 White lines on letters or graphics.
• Cause
If nozzles in print head has a problem, white lines
are marked on the print.
‘CARTRIDGE MAINT’ will let you know if nozzles
have fallen problems.
• Solution
1) Run print control panel’ to “clean print nozzles”
and check if nozzles have been blocked.
2) Wipe with soft cloth the contact surfaces of ink
cartridge and carriage, and check if nozzles have
been cleaned properly.
3) Separate ink cartridge from carriage and combine
them. Repeat it about 5 to 6 times and check if
connection is proper.
4) Replace ink cartridge and check whether there’s a
problem with the head.
5) Check if head cable is inserted well into the main
circuit board and then check if nozzles have
6) Check if head cable is broken or torn and then
check if nozzles have problems.
7) Replace the main circuit board with a new one
and check if nozzles have problems.