Get It Now
: Only available within Verizon Wireless Enhanced
Services Area.
With Get It Now, you can download full featured
applications such as games, personalized ring tones,
and pictures. You can also use it to send and receive
instant messages, email, or browse the web to catch up
on all the latest information.
If you receive a call while using Get It Now, the
application is put on hold during the call. Once the call
ends, your Get It Now session resumes where you left
Your phone can receive voicemail notification, text messages,
and pages. Also, your phone can send text messages and
pages if your system supplier provides this service.
When the phone receives a message, an alert sound, a
text notification display and the name and phone
number of the caller if available. The New Message
icon remains on the screen until you read the new text,
numeric page or WebBrowser message, or until you
listen to the new voicemail messages.
Incoming messages are received even when your phone
is in Lock mode. However, the screen will not display
information about the message. To access a message, or
to return a call other than an emergency or priority
number, unlock the phone to proceed.
If you are on a conversation, and you receive an
incoming message, your phone automatically mutes the
ringer (this is to avoid ringing in your ear while you are
trying to converse).
New Text Msg
Menu 2-1
You can create short text messages, and numeric pages,
to send to other mobile numbers.
: Transmitting message is only supported in digital
networks, and if service is provided by your service