2. Product Specification
2D → 3D
Extract Left and Right images a rtificially from normal 2D contents input and show it in 3D. (a function
of TV)
3D → 2D
When watching 3D TV (input is 3D source) , if a viewer feels tired of watching 3D TV, a viewer can
change the TV into 2D.
(In this case , TV only displays one of Left and Right images)
Only activating in ‘2D→3D Mode‘.
Control the depth of 3D.
Tiredness goes higher as depth goes higher.
L/R correction
Switch the position of Left and Right images so that correspond with 3D glasses.
3D Disable
(3D off)
‘3D off’ has below meanings according to present modes.
In 2D→3D Mode : coming back to 2D
In 3D mode
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