- This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization -
A. Purpose
Although the ideal CCD saturation level is 1VPP, actual CCD saturation level is under 1 VPP (500 ~ 550
mVpp). To change the 500 ~ 550 mVpp to 1 Vpp level, you have to set the minimum analogue gain.
Since the actual CCD saturation level of one camera differs from another, this adjustment is for minimizing
the difference in CCD saturation levels of each camera by adjusting the analogue gain.
B. Spec (Criteria for Checking Defects)
Target- limit < Mean value of the brightness measured < limit.
Min < CCD gain < Max
C. Procedures
1. Copy the NV2_104.txt and adjust_t files onto
the root directory of the SD card and install the
card into the camera.
2. Place the camera onto the light source.
5. CCD Gain Adjustment