Translated Statements of Compliance
This product follows the provisions of the European Direc
tive 1999/5/EC.
Dette produkt er i overensstemmelse med det europæiske
direktiv 1999/5/EC
Dit product is in navolging van de bepalingen van Europ-
ees Directief 1999/5/EC.
Tämä tuote noudattaa EU-direktiivin 1999/5/EC määräyk-
Ce produit est conforme aux exigences de la Directive
Européenne 1999/5/EC.
Dieses Produkt entspricht den Bestimmungen der Eu
ropäischen Richtlinie 1999/5/EC
Το προϊόν αυτό πληροί τις προβλέψεις της Ευρωπαϊκής
Οδηγίας 1999/5/ΕC.
Þessi vara stenst reglugerð Evrópska Efnahags Ban
dalagsins númer 1999/5/EC
Questo prodotto è conforme alla Direttiva Europea
Dette produktet er i henhold til bestemmelsene i det euro-
peiske direktivet 1999/5/EC.
Este produto cumpre com as normas da Diretiva Européia
Este producto cumple con las normas del Directivo Eu
ropeo 1999/5/EC.
Denna produkt har tillverkats i enlighet med EG-direktiv
European Economic Area Restrictions
Local Restriction of 802.11b/802.11g Radio Usage
[Note to integrator: The following statements on
local restrictions must be published in all end-user
documentation provided with the system or product
incorporating the Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG Network
Connection product.]
Due to the fact that the frequencies used by
802.11b/802.11g wireless LAN devices may not yet
be harmonized in all countries, 802.11b/802.11g
products are designed for use only in specific
countries or regions, and are not allowed to be
operated in countries or regions other than those of
designated use.
As a user of these products, you are responsible
for ensuring that the products are used only in the
countries or regions for which they were intended
and for verifying that they are configured with the
correct selection of frequency and channel for
the country or region of use. Any deviation from
permissible settings and restrictions in the country
or region of use could be an infringement of local
law and may be punished as such.
The European variant is intended for use throughout the
European Economic Area. However, authorization for use
is further restricted in particular countries or regions within
countries, as follows:
Summary of Contents for M60
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